How to make slime at home

Slime – like gibberish! It soothes when played with, and fights dust when you want cleanliness. Of course, you can find it in the store, but making it yourself is much more fun. Let’s figure out how to make a slime at home without hassle, with any ingredients.

What is slime

It is a viscous mixture that can be used as an anti-stress toy or as a home and car cleaning agent. Slimes clean the surface from dust, crumbs and feathers, as they “stick” to the surface. It is enough to gently shake off the dirt from the toy and you can use it further.

This mixture can take the hands of craftsmen for hours, or even days. At the same time, when creating a slime, you can control the viscosity, shade and even decorating components. There is no universal recipe – a unique combination of ingredients in each case gives the toy the desired consistency.

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Types of slimes

Slime has hundreds of varieties. The following subspecies are more common:

View Peculiarity
Original A very thick non-Newtonian liquid. The consistency is semi-liquid, viscous and moist. It spreads at rest, and hardens when squeezed
Jigli It looks like mercury. It spreads in a round puddle at rest, and hardens when compressed
Fluffy Air slime – like foam
Butter By sight – melted butter or paste – the softest
Cloud Same as fluffy, only smoother, without obvious “bubbles”, but crunches just as loudly
Transparent It will work if you do not use PVA glue and other pigmented components
Aromaslaym Any slime with the addition of aromatic oils

General cooking tips

No matter how the recipe for the toy changes, it consists of the following elements:

  • foaming substance – from liquid soap to shaving foam;
  • water is a binder that adds volume to the mixture and prevents it from drying out;
  • glue – glues the components together;
  • thickener – can be borax (sodium tetraborate), gelatin, etc.

Without these substances, slime will simply not work. It will be either liquid or solid. But the following components are suitable for lovers of “decorations”, since they can be added to the slime at your discretion:

  • dyes – give the desired shade to the product;
  • starch – will make the mixture less sticky;
  • polystyrene balls, artificial snow, glitter, beads – add texture;
  • aroma oils – an anti-stress toy can become aromatherapy. Playing with it, the selected scent will fill the room.

They make a toy according to one algorithm:

  1. Create a lump of foam from the frothing liquid and water.
  2. Pour in the glue and start stirring everything to a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Throw in embellishments – from dye to beads.
  4. Add a thickener to make the slime gooey and less sticky.

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Slime recipes

The peculiarity of the toy lies in the variety of cooking options. There are several hundred slime recipes on the Internet. We have collected those that we checked with our own hands – anyone can repeat them at home. All of them are safe and even a primary school student can do it.

Slime recipe with glue

One of the simplest recipes is with PVA. Its plus – everything you need is already at home.

  1. Take 150 ml of water and pour it into a plate or small saucepan.
  2. Pour 60-80 grams of starch into a container.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into a bag.
  4. Add 50-70 ml of PVA.
  5. Add dyes and aromatic oils to give the slime a look and smell.
  6. Shake well and allow to harden.

The key disadvantage of such slimes is their short “life”. They will last for a month, and then they will begin to lose their properties and appearance. However, given the cost of the toy, it is not a problem to repeat the cooking.

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How to make slime without glue

A basic recipe, the ingredients for which are present in every home. For him you will need:

  • 100-150 grams of starch;
  • 25-35 ml hand, body or face cream / lotion;
  • 10-15 ml of soap.

Then the “cooking” happens like this:

  1. Pour starch into a bowl (container) and add cream.
  2. Stir the mass – it will be dryish.
  3. Pour liquid soap – so the slime will get a viscous consistency.

At the end you need to sprinkle your palms with starch and rinse the slime. If it turns out to be sticky, this is leveled by 1 tsp. baby oil. The rest of the compound according to the type of dyes, flavors and beads are added at discretion.

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Slime recipe without thickener (tetraborate)

Many, seeing the recipes, are surprised at the mysterious substance “boron”. You do not need to be afraid of it – it is sodium tetraborate, which is in any pharmacy. In hardware stores, it can be found in a free-flowing state of “borax” or “borax”. This chemical compound makes the slime sticky and elastic.

To replace the activator, you need to understand what other handy items will help you get a similar result:

  • Naphthyzine is a medicine for acute rhinitis;
  • gelatin – in “cooperation” with plasticine, they make the mixture thick and elastic;
  • various household aerosols – from air fresheners to hair sprays;
  • soda along with starch.

Slime is made without tetraborate, just like the classic one: except that the thickener changes.

  • 3-4 tbsp liquid soap;
  • 1-2 tsp baking soda and 1 tsp starch;
  • 200 ml of PVA glue;
  • decorations as desired.

Then everything is mixed and a stretching mixture is obtained.

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How to make a slime from light plasticine

An unusual option. But with it you will not need to look for either glue or boron. The shelf life of such a toy is longer. It retains its original viscosity even after several months. It is done like this:

  1. Pour 200-300 ml of water and gelatin into a saucepan.
  2. Boil the mixture and cool to 40-50 ° C.
  3. Heat the clay and soften it.
  4. Stir gelatin and plasticine in proportions 2: 1.
  5. Mix everything until smooth.
  6. Cool the mass in the refrigerator for half an hour.

That’s all. Before us is a slime in all its glory. If everything is done correctly, there will be no plasticine left on the vessel, it will become a viscous part.

Fluffy slime recipe

From English “fluffy” means “fluffy” or “whipped”. Shaving foam is suitable for this characteristic. The instruction is as follows:

  1. Pour 100 grams of PVA into a container.
  2. Add a little foam – 2-3 clicks are enough. For the “fluffy” version, you can press 4-5.
  3. Then pour in the thickener – 50-70 ml is enough.
  4. Then stir the toy and knead it with your hands.

But not every home has shaving foam and liquid for lenses, but you want to get an air slime. Then you should work according to the following algorithm:

  1. Mix 40-50 ml of liquid soap or shaving gel and 100-150 ml of water.
  2. Make a foam mixture with a kitchen sponge. The resulting mixture should be about 2 cups in volume.
  3. Pour 1-1.5 cups of PVA into the mixture. Color and aroma oils can be added as desired.
  4. Stir everything and add thickener. Thanks to this, the mass will finally stick together and begin to peel off the walls.
  5. Knead the slime and let it cool in the refrigerator or on the balcony (if it happens in winter).

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How to make a butter slime

Outwardly, it is almost indistinguishable from melted butter: the same soft and easily smeared. At the same time, it does not stick “tightly” – this makes it an assistant when cleaning equipment. It is done like this:

  1. Add 30-40 ml of shower gel and 80-90 g of PVA glue to the dishes.
  2. Mix 200-300 ml of hot water and 1 tsp of baking soda in a mug.
  3. Pour 10-20 ml of the resulting liquid into the original mixture.
  4. Add a thickener – the resulting mass will become thicker.
  5. Take 80-100 g of light plasticine and insert it into the slime base.
  6. Knead until smooth.

If there is no glue and plasticine in the house, they are replaced with starch and baby oil: 4-6 tablespoons of bulk and 1 teaspoon of oil. The exact amount is adjusted according to the situation.

How to make cloud slime

This crunches and crackles when squeezed. Visually resembles a thundercloud, which, when squeezed, gives out “thunder”.

To do this, you need to prepare the following elements:

Ingredient Quantity, ml
Glue 20-35
Shaving foam 8-12 (long puff, the amount of foam the size of a child’s palm)
Water 50-70
Hair mousse 25-40 (about a mug)
Baby oil 5-15
Thickener (borax, sodium tetraborate)

The ingredients are mixed. It turns out a one-of-a-kind slime that crunches like snow underfoot. An adult and a child can make a slime with their own hands. Only desire is enough.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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