Weight Watchers Diet

The Weight Watchers diet is a method aimed at slimming and subsequent maintenance of the ideal weight ; it is a fairly alternative program, focused on nutritional education and the adoption of a healthier lifestyle, certainly modern, but not without its criticalities. The Weight Watchers diet is based on two cardinal principles: permanently change the eating habits and lifestyle of the subject; … Read more

10 most followed diets of the last 20 years

In recent years, aesthetics and physicality have become the cornerstone of our society. This has led to an increase in the number of subjects who come across diets of any kind to be able to lose weight . Every day the sites that deal with dietetics are attacked by a large number of visitors interested in the diet of … Read more

Cortisol Connection Diet

The Cortisol Connection Diet is a diet proposed in the States, in the first half of the 2000s, by Shawn Talbott PHD, author of the book ” The Cortisol Connection Diet “. It is a dietary regimen useful for controlling the secretion of cortisol in the body; as we know, cortisol is a hormone which, if produced in excess, manifests with some “evidence” some … Read more

The GIFT diet

The GIFT Diet is a latest generation food strategy founded by doctors Attilio Speciani and Luca Speciani; the two doctors argue that, unlike many other methods, DietaGIFT is not based on calorie counting, but on the natural stimulation of the metabolism by activating the regulation centers. More precisely, DietaGIFT tries to modify the bio-regulatory structure of food-intake … Read more

How to store potatoes;Real Ways

The main thing is to find a suitable place. Which potatoes are stored longer Go through the tubers and leave only those that meet the following parameters: Hard to the touch. If the potatoes feel soft when you squeeze them, then the starch inside has already begun to break down. Such tubers will not lie for a … Read more

How to cook Easter in a multicooker

In the way the cake is made, you can feel the love of the keeper of the hearth and the special spirit of family celebration. Let’s figure out how to properly cook Easter in a multicooker so that it is rosy and fluffy. How to bake cake in a slow cooker With this device, you can get … Read more