Ecosphere of the Sun

The solar ecosphere is the space occupied by the solar system whose temperature is favorable for the development of carbon combinations and serves as the basis for life forms on the planets . The planets included …

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Astrobiology. From the Greek: Astron (star), Bios (life) and Logos (word/science). The literal meaning of astrobiology is the science of life in the cosmos, the science of life outside, whether it be past, present, or future life. It is a branch …

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Astrochemistry is a relatively new area, which is halfway between astronomy, physics and chemistry, having as its main focus the study of the formation, destruction and abundance of molecules in …

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Vega (star)

Vega (Star) . ( Alpha Lyrae ). It is the fifth brightest star in the night sky and second in the northern hemisphere after Arthur . Vega is a white star , the brightest in the constellation Lyre. It is relatively close to the Solar System , …

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Icarus (star)

Icarus is a blue supergiant discovered in April 2018. It is the most distant star ever detected, located 9 billion light-years from Earth . The light that is currently reaching Earth was emitted …

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