If you have already read my guide then you will certainly know that taking screenshots on Mac is very simple and, without having to use third-party programs, you can take photographs of the whole screen, parts of the screen or single windows; by default, however, the mouse cursor is eliminated in the photographs of the screens and this is fine for 99% of users. But if you need to show the mouse cursor in the screenshots, for example to make a little guide, then you will have to perform another step, nothing complicated, don’t worry! In this guide, without getting too lost in useless chatter, I will explain everything to you.
How to show the mouse cursor in screenshots on Mac
As I told you normally in the screenshots on Mac the mouse cursor is not displayed but if you need to show the mouse cursor in the screenshots you can change the settings to include it.
To do this you will have to proceed as if you were to photograph a single window (by simultaneously pressing the Command + Shift and 5 keys ) and press on the Options item in the box below.
In the menu that will appear you will have to select the item Show mouse pointer . Done! you have set your Mac to show the mouse cursor in screenshots and from now on all screenshots will include the cursor as well. You can delete the function to show the mouse cursor in screenshots at any time with the same procedure described above by deselecting the Show mouse pointer item in the screenshot options.
I remind you that to photograph the entire screen of the mac you will have to press the Command + shift + 3 keys simultaneously , to photograph a single window you will have to press the Command + Shift + 4 keys while if you want to photograph only a part of the screen you will have to press in simultaneously the keys Command + shift + 4 and keeping pressed the left button of the mouse select the whole area to photograph.
And if you need more functionality for screenshots (including small changes) then you can download the Skitch application directly from the Apple store at this address.