How cursor navigation works on Chrome, Firefox, Edge

How to activate cursor navigation on web pages and how it works to highlight and select text

There are several ways to highlight and copy text from web pages open on your computer browser without using the mouse or trackpad. For example, if your PC has a touchscreen, you can use your fingers while on PCs with traditional non-touchscreen monitors, there is the so-called ” cursor navigation “, a function, little known to most, which allows you to scroll a page. and highlight text, checkboxes and links using the keyboard.

The caret (also known as Caret Browsing , or Caret Browsing ) allows you to go back and forth in the reading of web pages using only the arrows keys on the keyboard, the same way you can do when you open a Word document or other text editors (such as Notepad and WordPad). Using the keyboard, it becomes much easier and more accurate to select large chunks of text on web pages than with the mouse or, worse still, using the laptop trackpad.

READ ALSO: How to scroll the pages of a site automatically

How web browsing with a text cursor works

Using a mouse, you need to hold down the key to select a piece of text from a website along its entire length, with the risk of making mistakes easily and having to start over. On the other hand, when cursor navigation is activated, a flashing vertical line appears (typical of Word or Notepad) randomly positioned in the visible text of the web page and the mouse pointer, only when moved over the text, is replaced by a vertical bar . The mouse or trackpad will continue to function normally, except that when you click on any word in the text on the page, the blinking cursor moves, which, in normal mode, does not appear. This allows not only to keep a mark in reading,

To scroll the page using the keyboard , you can press the left and right arrow keys , to move the flashing line letter by letter and move on the line. Pressing the up and down arrow keys instead , scrolls the lines up or down.

If you press the right arrow and left arrow keys while holding down the CTRL key on a PC or Option on a Mac, then the cursor moves word by word over the text. If you hold down the CTRL key, you can scroll a page with the up and down keys no longer line by line but paragraph by paragraph .

You can select text by using the arrow keys and holding down Shift . The selection can also be made by holding down the CTRL and Shift keys to select an entire paragraph. For example, if you move the cursor to the end of a line, press CTRL – SHIFT and the Up Arrow together to select the entire paragraph you are reading.

When you move the cursor over a link, it is highlighted by a border and just press Enter on the keyboard to open that link , without using the mouse. To open the link in a new tab, you can press Enter + CTRL (Command key on Mac). If you press Shift and Enter together when a link is selected, it opens in a new window on the Browser.

If you encounter a control or a menu and the arrow keys no longer scroll, you can press ESC + up or down arrow or the TAB key to go to the next section and continue scrolling.

How to enable cursor navigation in Chrome, Firefox and Edge

There is only one simple way to enable cursor navigation on all major browsers:

Press the F7 key on the keyboard to activate cursor navigation and then confirm by pressing the ” Activate ” key with the mouse .

Only on Google Chrome is it possible to activate the function also from the settings: in the Advanced> Accessibility section, you can activate the option ” Move from one page to another with a text cursor “.

You can disable text cursor navigation by pressing F7.

Some browsers, such as Safari and Opera, do not support cursor navigation while, surprisingly, it is supported in Internet Explorer.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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