How to make it rain and stop raining in Minecraft –

Realism is an aspect that different game developers look at when they make a specific video game. Certainly, a game does not have to be totally realistic, as most often they have different fantasy and very unreal elements within them.

How to make it rain and stop it raining in minecraft – command for rain

But, there are many real life elements that are used to immerse the player in the world that has developed. A perfect example of this can be fauna, flora, cities, buildings, people that have existed and even places. Everything can be used to write a story, but if there is one aspect that most developers look at it is the use of weather.

Weather is an element that may not be found in the same way in all video games, as No Man’s Sky can be, but it is certainly there. And, it is generally used to create moments of tension, joy and simply put a certain tone in the environment in which it is. And, one of the resources often used when you want to set a tone through the weather is rain.

This one is used in tons of video games for different reasons, but when you have an exploration and creation game like Minecraft, it can make a big difference in how your universe feels.

In Minecraft, the character is alone against the world, as he has to face hunger, night, monsters and helplessness on his own. And, in order to emphasize this, the developers have introduced different climates to immerse the player in this mindset, such as rain or even blizzards. In other words, you can change the time according to the occasion .

Also, within the game, rain can have some additional effects on certain activities or even certain mobs, so if you want to put rain in your world, you can follow the following tutorial.

Making the rain fall

Rain in Minecraft comes occasionally, and is influenced by the biome where one is at the moment, since it is possible that it rains more in the jungle than on the beach. But, there is a good way to reliably influence the rain, and that is through in-game commands.

These are considered a “trap” or “cheat” within the game, so you have to have these cheats activated in the options of our game.

Now, to enter the command, we must open the command console, which also happens to be the chat. This usually changes from wherever you’re playing, but if you’re on PC or Mac , you can press T to open the chat.

Once in this, just type “/ weather rain” and if you want the rain to have a specific duration, just make a space after this command and type between ” [] ” the duration in seconds, then press Enter and you will have your rain after a message on the screen.

Also, remember that you can make it stop with the command “ / toggledownfall ” or simply put “ / weather clear ” to avoid any mob you run into during the rain.

What can rain do for me in Minecraft?

Beyond the fact that the rain is only aesthetic, it has other small effects within the universe in which you are playing, such as that certain mobs that cannot be in the sunlight can go out into the open air.

Also, logical events will occur that would occur in real life if it rained, such as the trees that we have planted get wet or fires go out. Also other details that occur, such as being able to fish more effectively if it is raining, or that the villagers will go straight to their homes and stop what they are doing to protect themselves from the rain.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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