How to block all spam that reaches my Hotmail or Outlook email

One of the most frequent problems of Hotmail or Outlook mail is spam or junk mail, a frequent problem among users of this type of service.

It is for this reason that many users try to find solutions to this growing and annoying problem, in fact, most decide to delete all spam, but this is usually very tedious. If you want to avoid having spam in your email, you should not worry, because today we show you how to block all spam that reaches my Hotmail or Outlook email.

But first, let’s answer some questions you’ve probably asked yourself about spam: Why am I getting spam in my email? Where does it come from? Where do you get my email address?

Why is spam reaching my Hotmail or Outlook email

This is a great question, and while third parties are often blamed for the spam problem , the problem actually tends to lie first with the user.

Many times, when we access pages and websites of various kinds, we are asked to enter our email address in a form to receive discounts, news, among others. We are not forced to do so, but many times we agree to enter our email data and this is where the problem lies

If these pages and websites are not official or legitimate, they could leak your data , which is then used to send you mass advertising emails. What makes these types of emails so annoying is that 1) you didn’t ask to have them sent to you, 2) they are too many and too frequent, and 3) the offers and advertisements are not of interest or relevant.

There is even a much higher risk, because although this is not always the case, it may happen that certain spam emails contain malware or some type of extortion . That is why it is best to never open or respond to spam emails that you receive in your Hotmail or Outlook email.

How to block all spam that reaches my Hotmail or Outlook email

The first thing to do if you want to block junk or spam emails that reach your Hotmail or Outlook account is to log in to your account on your computer.

Once you have logged in, you should go to the Tools option. Then, you must follow the route Mail> Junk email and when you are in this last section, you must locate and select the option Blocked domains and senders.

Then under this section, we will see a button that receives the name Add, which you must click. When you press this button, you will be able to add the email address that you want to block so that you stop receiving spam from it.

From the moment you add the email address or addresses to block, you will no longer receive emails from it, including the relentless and annoying spam. From this option, you can also unblock email addresses, in case you are interested in the messages you receive from said email.

Another measure you can take is to eliminate accumulated spam in your email inbox. To do this, log into your account, then in mail, you must go to the Start option, then to Desired> Spam options.

From there you will see the Options section, where there is a box called Delete suspected spam , which you must activate so that any type of spam that reaches your email is automatically deleted.

Although this is a good option when it comes to avoiding spam, there are several practical steps you can take to safely browse the internet to avoid spam . Mainly you should avoid putting your email address on a website of dubious origin or that you do not know that they are legitimate.

Also, before entering your email on a reliable website, you can read their Privacy and Use Policy where you will know if you agree to receive spam in your email. Another option is to allocate an email exclusively to enter it on websites or pages.

Did you like learning about how to block spam from your Hotmail or Outlook email? With this explanation you will be able to properly defend yourself from junk mail or spam , in such a way that this problem does not bother you anymore. Spam will be a problem of the past in your Hotmail or Outlook!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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