What is the best unit and the best combination of troops in Boom Beach?

Boom Beach is a free game from the PlayStore which places each user in command of a unit or expeditionary group bringing a base or headquarters to life. Starting point to explore an entire archipelago, disembarking to liberate the natives from the Machiavellian Dark Guard. Therefore, it is necessary to know the best unit and the best combination of troops in Boom Beach that is in existence.

Along the way you can tackle and face other players . In this way, the adventure will be extraordinary and not only because of the battle. But also to find new treasures that improve your level (you can get diamonds and gems in Boom Beach ), as well as mysterious ancient statues that will serve as a powerful amulet for your troops.

Aspects to determine the best unit and the best combination of troops in Boom Beach

Unit is understood to be all that battle squad that the game offers and that is within the player’s reach to be chosen. Each one has its own characteristics and that, when teaming up with another, make up a functional troop ready to fight and defend the headquarters.

First, lie the Fusiliers , considered the most basic unit of Boom Beach since you start your journey through the game. Being basic does not mean that they are weak, they represent the battle unit that leads the front, one of their main advantages being the great damage they cause as they level up.

They take up little space on the landing craft and can easily be considered the best unit and the best combination of troops in Boom Beach, but it is best not to rush that conclusion.

Second, The Thugs appear, unlocked once you have reached the 2nd level of the headquarters you own. They are strong units that resist a large amount of damage during the game, but their main flaw is that in general terms they are not capable of causing great impact on the enemy’s vital points.

Last but not least are Las Zucas, obtainable just when your headquarters safely reaches level 5 . They are units specialized in long-range damage, causing considerable decreases in the enemy’s vitality without having to approach; however, they are easily eliminated due to low health.

What should I take into account for a good combination?

The best unit and the best combination of troops in Boom Beach will also depend primarily on how many landing craft you own. Since each boat only corresponds to a single unit.

During the first levels, it does not require more difficulty to see the behavior of each troop in the face of adversity and respond to it. But what is really interesting is with the future of more advanced levels where the strategy is greater, requiring greater versatility when responding to the opponent’s wildfire.

To choose the best unit and the best combination of troops in Boom Beach, determine if the enemy defense is ‘ Splash’ or ‘ Burst’ . When it comes to splash defense or mass damage with rocket launchers, flamethrowers, submachine guns, among others, Riflemen are not very useful. Since these barriers are designed to eliminate large amounts of military personnel in an instant.

Also, as they are your first line of battle and being defeated quickly, there will be no defense to the zucas and the game will be lost. In contrast, whether it is burst defense or individual damage with cannons or boom cannons, the panorama changes exponentially in favor of the riflemen.

The best strategy is always the one in which the zucas are your priority due to their ability to attack from long distances. If the defense is splash, the first thing that should occur to you is to place a unit of thugs in front, designed to resist greater amounts of damage and vice versa for the burst defense.

Finally, in this game you should not only attack, so if you are still new, you should look for a Boom Beach tutorial guide for newbies , so that you learn the answer to what is the first thing I have to level up? and also how to use more troops.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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