Essential keys to being resilient in times of crisis

Be resilient .

I am sure they are two of the words that you are hearing the most in recent days.

With this post I not only want to add value to the content we share with you, I also want you to take action and, from the moment you finish reading this article, you face the times of crisis with more strength and more security .

In addition, we want messages related to this topic to resonate in your head and that are part of the ” More and Better ” philosophy .

But, before all this, you have to be clear about what the word resilience means , what it is exactly to be resilient and what people with that capacity are like.

Ready, set… Keep reading!

Table of Contents hide ]

  • What is resilience and what it means to be resilient
  • Why being resilient is an advantage
  • Can I learn to be resilient?
  • Characteristics of people who practice resilience
  • 4 Essential Keys to Being Resilient and Overcoming Adverse Situations
    • – You have to know yourself to the maximum: the good, the bad and the regular.
    • – Keep your motivation on top.
    • – Maintain emotional balance.
    • – Be positive and trust yourself.

If there is something that we repeat in More and Better and we repeat each other it is that we have to be resilient .

We firmly believe that we must learn from everything that happens to us in life to end up being stronger in complex or adverse situations.

Accepting things as they come and getting as much learning as possible, thus adapting much better to all kinds of circumstances, will allow you to grow at an exponential level on a personal level and take this type of situation much better.

What is resilience and what it means to be resilient

According to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), it defines resilience as the “ability of a living being to adapt to a disturbing agent or an adverse state or situation”.

Thus, it means being able to adapt positively to complex or difficult situations , which are disturbing us in our day to day.

The concept of resilience has evolved over time. It has gone from being an innate condition of the individual to having a family and community nuance and, today, it has a cultural tone.

Starting from the basis established by the RAE, psychologists have gone a step further and consider that being resilient is having the ability to face adverse situations and come out of them with much more strength .

Why being resilient is an advantage

After reading the definition of the RAE and what I just told you, you will be able to deduce what is the greatest advantage of being resilient .

Being resilient gives you incredible learning, you can develop this ability regardless of how old you are and, most importantly, you will recover faster and come out of that adverse situation stronger than ever.

Facing difficult circumstances from resilience , you will face any situation that lies ahead with much more strength.

Facing difficult circumstances from resilience, you will face any situation with much more strength. @masymejorcom #Resiliencia #MasyMejor


Can I learn to be resilient?

In this sense, there has always been a huge debate: is the resilient born or made?

By being able to develop capacity at any age, as I mentioned before, you can learn to be resilient not without effort .

Experts consider that there are specific factors that favor the development of resilience.

For example, they believe that it is important to have healthy relationships outside and within the family, because it is easier to replicate role models.

In addition, it is important to be aware and have a positive vision of oneself, to be clear about personal strengths and weaknesses, to have a good communication capacity, to have self-control and to set real plans and to be constant to fulfill them.

These same experts consider that resilience is the fundamental step that must be taken to have a healthy and happy life .

What determines whether or not to be resilient is the ability we have to handle better or worse situations that psychologically wear us out , such as an illness, the loss of a family member or friend, or facing an economic crisis.

Characteristics of people who practice resilience

As with high-performance entrepreneurs, people who practice resilience have certain habits and have common characteristics that you can take into account from now on to develop this capacity.

  • Self-knowledge.

It is agreed that people who are resilient have a deep understanding of themselves. They are fully aware of their strengths and weaknesses and assume them as such.

This helps them to define realistic plans and objectives and, therefore, they are able to reach and reach them.

  • Creativity to power.

Resilient people are creative and, thanks to that creativity, they are not only able to paint a picture or build a viral video on YouTube; They also develop their creativity to face complicated situations in one way or another. They are able to see solutions where other people see nothing.

  • Self-confidence.

Being resilient is also about trusting yourself .

If you know yourself well and know what your limitations are, you will trust yourself more when facing any moment of tension. Why? Well, because you will know what you are capable of doing and that will give you much more security against everything that life puts before you.

  • The resilient sees an opportunity where others only see a problem.

To be resilient you have to be able to see a learning opportunity in all the situations and adversities that you face.

For example: if you are facing a difficult moment, ask yourself what you can learn from everything you are experiencing. Think that everything will pass and that you have an opportunity to change, learn and evolve.

  • The resilient is aware of your present.

Normally, these types of people are aware of the present and have an extraordinary ability to accept what life holds for them.

  • Resilients are realistic, not fatalistic.

Being realistic is having in mind both the good and the bad things that can happen in a specific situation.

Being fatalistic means seeing only the bad things that can happen to you, without taking into account all the good things that a certain circumstance can bring you.

So resilient people are objective and realistic, but also optimistic.

Do you remember the phrase ” tomorrow will be another day “? These are words that a resilient person can perfectly pronounce after having passed a tremendous day.

Someone resilient thinks that today may be a bad day, but tomorrow will be better, because it starts from scratch without praising negativity and pessimism.

To finish, resilients surround themselves with positive people to feed back on that positivity; they flow and do not control their emotions or the situations they face; easily adapt to changes; they face adversities with great humor; And if they need it, they look to others for help.

It is not for nothing, but as I mentioned all these characteristics, it seemed that I was describing our community.

MYMERS, or what is the same, members of Más y Mejor, we are resilient.

MYMERS, members of Más y Mejor, are resilient. @masymejorcom #Resiliencia #MasyMejor


4 Essential Keys to Being Resilient and Overcoming Adverse Situations

Summing up everything I have told you so far: if you are not, you can be resilient .

The only thing you should be clear about is that it is a long journey, of introspection and learning.

Once you find the formula, you will feel like a superhero or superhero.

And you will ask me, “ Isa, are you going to tell me and what are the essential keys to developing resilience? 

Yes, here I go!

1.- You have to know yourself to the maximum: the good, the bad and the regular.

You have to detect what emotions you are feeling right now and not control them, just listen to them.

I advise you to practice mindfulness, it will help you to be aware of the present moment, your thoughts and those emotions.

When you know yourself one hundred percent, you will also know how to act in certain situations and how to better handle the most difficult moments.

2.- Keep your motivation on top.

When you face adverse situations and pain, it is easy for you to sink.

It is easy and human.

But you have to be strong and able to remind yourself of the things in life that excite you: your family, your friends, etc.

It is also very important to keep that learning idea in mind. Try, with all your might, to see the problem as an opportunity to learn and evolve.

3.- Maintain emotional balance.

Before raising your superpower, think that you are human.

In moments, especially painful, it is logical not to be able to control your emotions, as I say is human.

But, after the pain or the pain, it is time to get up and walk again.

So you will have to be aware of your emotions, accept them and rationalize them.

It is the best way to overcome adverse situations, get to that deep learning that I have been talking about throughout the post and be stronger.

Remember: when you get stronger, you will have managed to develop resilience.

Remember: when you emerge stronger from adverse situations, you will have managed to develop resilience. @masymejorcom #Resiliencia #MasyMejor


4.- Be positive and trust yourself.

There are times when it will be difficult for you to maintain a positive vision of things.

When that happens to you, remember “tomorrow will be another day”, which I was saying before.

Today can be a very black day, but tomorrow it will not be so much.

Put humor on your side and try to smile.

Trust in yourself, in your possibilities and in your strength.

We can all be resilient.

You have to persist, strive and trust that you are going to achieve it.

The question I ask you today seems very obvious: do you think you are resilient? What did it cost you the most to build resilience?


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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