How to be more resilient in personal relationships?

Surely you’ve heard the word resilience. However, there are still many doubts about its meaning.

From the Latin resilire, this term means “to turn back”. It is associated with the ability we have to deal with our own problems, that is, to overcome difficult times.

According to some scholars, chaos ends up favoring our growth and makes us better human beings.

Therefore, we can say that resilient people end up leading a life with more purpose, since they have a more optimistic view.

But and you? How do you deal with setbacks? What do you do to get past a problem that often seems to haunt you?

Are you the type to surrender or not give up on your goals?

To better understand what resilience is and how to become a more positive person, we invite you to follow the text below.

What is resilience?

Think of something that is intrinsic to you. Which is part of your personality, but which can also be built throughout life with your daily learnings. That’s resilience.

A personal characteristic that involves a number of factors such as behavior, thoughts and actions. It helps the individual to better face the adversities of life.

Overcoming obstacles and crises in a balanced way, overcoming their own limits. Resilient people are more productive, happy, more focused on their goals.

They believe in their potential and know how to get out of high stress situations with greater flexibility and ease. The resilient person seeks renewal and means to overcome problems with more tranquility.

Main synonyms of resilience

There are countless words and terms that act as a synonym for resilience.

As described in the Houaiss dictionary, resilience is the “property that some bodies have to return to their original shape after being subjected to elastic deformation”.

But it can also be:

– The ability to recover easily or adapt to bad luck or changes;

– A positive reaction to the misfortunes that life imposes;

– Resilience;

– Recovery;

– Resistance;

– Strength;

– Stoiscism (resignation in the face of suffering, adversity);

– Invulnerability;

– Unassailability;

– Tolerance;

– The ability to return to its original form after stressful situations.

What does it mean to be a resilient person?

Widely used to describe the behavior of human beings, the word resilience means that people overcome their problems more calmly, going through them with lightness and wisdom.

For Psychology, a resilient person has greater resistance and balance in the face of adversity. The term involves several areas of knowledge, such as psychology, physics, administration, ecology, among many others.

Having problems, stressful situations, crises and even shock are common in human life and anyone is subject to going through it. The difference is how we resolve these episodes and how we feel the next day.

It is in these moments that we see different behaviors that surprise us. By being more flexible, the resilient person has learned from his experiences to deal with stress more efficiently.

What is the importance of being resilient?

Resilient people turn bad facts into learnings . They grew up with difficulties and overcame problems more easily. They are able to face and recover from severe crises or personal losses with skill and ease.

Consequently, they use flexibility for greater adaptation to these situations. Being resilient is important to awaken creativity in search of the right solutions to solve life’s difficulties.

That is, they do not bow down in the face of obstacles. They overcome.

How do you know if a person is resilient?

Now that we know a little more about what resilience is, how to recognize a resilient person? We have prepared some tips and features for easy identification:

1 – They are people with great adaptability . This is because they are more flexible, maintaining emotional and mental balance in the face of adversity.

2 – Regardless of the situation, they believe that everything always ends well. They are optimistic and strong in their personal values.

3 – They can learn good lessons from difficult situations. They grow stronger with each adversity overcome.

4 – They are in constant learning and always maintain positivism. Behavior that helps release hormones such as oxytocin and endorphins, which bring calm and emotional balance.

5 – Resilient people do not let themselves be slaughtered in the face of attacks and confrontations.

6 – Have high self-esteem , learning from their own mistakes.

7 – They are outgoing, maintaining healthy relationships and friendships.

8 – Resilient individuals are more creative and intuitive . They look at problems from different angles and look for creative solutions without regret.

9 – Over time they become even more resilient, jovial, active. They don’t get stuck in the past, believing that better days are always to come.

What are the main characteristics of a resilient person?

It’s easy to identify a resilient person.

But for those who still don’t quite identify the traits of resilience in their personality, we highlight some of their main characteristics :

– Self-esteem;

– Persistence;

– Optimism;

– Empathy;

– Creativity;

– Flexibility;

– Knows how to deal with emotions;

– Trust.

Tips for you to become more resilient?

Each person reacts and manages problems differently. Having different strategies to overcome this momentary stress will make the difference in the results obtained between a resilient person and another not.

Here, we separate some tips that can help you to be more resilient:

be flexible

Keep your balance and seek skillful solutions to solve problems that certainly appear at some point in life.

Be open to learn

Never close yourself to the new. Don’t be negative. Face difficult situations with optimism without playing the victim.

 keep a positive attitude

Don’t paralyze yourself in the face of a difficulty. Face it head on and always be positive. Take a different look at negative situations. Be positive and draw good lessons from the problems experienced.

 Connect with people who matter

Staying in constant connection with family and friends is important. When problems arise, don’t isolate yourself, accept help.

release your tensions

Problems and stressful situations surround us throughout our lives. So look for activities that can release your tensions. Meditate, dance, go to therapy, cook, journal, sing, walk outside.

cultivate healthy habits

Staying healthy is paramount for quality of life and also for going through problems more lightly.

Some activities like reading, rest, physical activities, good food , help to stay strong physically and emotionally.

Believe in yourself

Be confident, have high self-esteem, believe in yourself, recognize your skills and abilities. Make assertive decisions.

Do not run away and do not postpone the resolution of personal problems or conflicts. Infallible recipes to successfully reach your goals.

Know that change is part of life

Changing is part of life. Everyone at some point in their life moves house, work, school.

Change is part of human evolution and should always be seen positively. Leaving the comfort zone can broaden horizons and, consequently, the level of resilience.

Changes can bring more positive experiences, helping to increase the quality of life . In addition, it can increase the circle of friends, bringing new life experiences.

make achievable plans

Setting realistic goals stimulates the mind, renews expectations, bringing that feeling of overcoming your own limitations. Your personal and professional trajectory must be based on realistic plans, outlined in the short, medium and long terms.

Problems are temporary and must be overcome and resolved without affecting your life and your plans. Take pride and responsibility for your solutions and achievements.

Don’t wait for the other to do this or to tell you what needs to be done. Take charge of your future.

Use your own lessons from the past

Recognize your strengths, build confidence in yourself and use lessons from the past to boost new projects.

The ability to manage emotions and strong impulses will be decisive in driving your resolutions. Always take good results from the experiences that life provides.

Always keep investing in you

Bear in mind that strategic thinking, proactivity and positivism generate true miracles in people’s lives.

Feelings and actions that enrich experiences help solve problems and build resilience.

That’s why it’s important to stay active, investing in yourself in the best way possible. Keeping your body and mind healthy is important. For this, maintain a good diet, practice exercises, meditate, have a rest time, cultivate good relationships.

These are initiatives that can help face challenges from another perspective.

Pratique mindfulness

If you change your thoughts and emotions, staying positive even in the face of adversity, anything becomes possible. It’s what we call a mindset.

From self-knowledge it is possible to practice mindfulness, where you practice full attention to the present. This awakening of consciousness includes the perception of feelings, sensations and the environment where it is inserted. No distractions.

In this way thoughts flow naturally, without judgment and without prejudice. Mindfulness is also important at mealtimes. The person must concentrate on the act of eating.

The practice of mindfulness contributes to reducing stress, increasing focus, productivity and, consequently, quality of life .

Understand your emotions

Mindfulness techniques can help you understand your emotions. For this, you need to know your qualities, skills, skills, needs and feelings.

No activity that brings you happiness or relaxation should be ignored.

Always keep hope for better days. Reflection and acknowledgment of your feelings can help you become an even better person. Mindset exercises help on this path of self-knowledge.

Invest in your emotional health

Knowing your emotions and your limits is paramount to emotional health. Resilient people grow stronger with every adversity. They are not discouraged and find strength in the experience of the past to solve the problems of the present.

They are well-prepared, strong and do not give up easily. They believe in their potential and ability to achieve. Here are some tips that contribute to mental health:

– Smile more, because happiness increases longevity;

– Acknowledge your emotions;

– Cultivate positive thoughts and push away the negative ones;

– Accept people as they are;

– Face the reality of the real world;

– Avoid making comparisons;

– Escape situations that affect emotional health.

How to be more resilient at work?

In the midst of the economic crisis and the difficulties that the country faces in all spheres, being resilient is the secret to being able to go through these turbulences without greater emotional damage. Resilience is also a watchword in the corporate environment.

Companies need to rely on a workforce of people with the ability to remain productive without being shaken by problems that occur outside the professional environment.

Here are some suggestions for building resilience:

– Intensify your flexibility . Professionals with this characteristic better face and harmonize day-to-day difficulties. Being flexible means seeing several ways to solve difficult situations, when they arise.

– Mistakes can happen and should stay in the past. But it is always necessary to learn a good lesson from these situations so that it does not happen again. Always see the positive and negative side of disposal. Focus on the behavior and not just the error.

– Acquire healthy habits outside the work environment. Taking care of the mind and body are fundamental to good mental health. More strengthened, the worker does not let himself be shaken when a difficulty arises. Practicing daily exercises, writing, drawing, painting or simply reading a good book are some healthy options.

– Maintain a healthy relationship inside and outside the company. Interpersonal relationships are important for quality of life. Social bonds broaden horizons, serve as support in difficult times.

How to be more resilient in personal relationships?

We already know that resilience comes from the inside out. Which is an intrinsic characteristic of the person or can be developed from daily actions and habits.

Self-awareness about your skills, knowledge and competencies is the first step towards positively facing life’s challenges. Identify strengths and weaknesses as well, so you can work on building resilience.

On this path some steps are important. Don’t avoid situations, move forward always. Learn to self-regulate without staying focused. Practice optimism, positivism, and valuing personal relationships.

High self-esteem is one of the pillars of resilience. If you need to go further, learn about the concept of the seven Cs of pediatrician Ken Ginsberg. He developed a methodology to help children and adolescents develop resilience.

But this model is extremely helpful to everyone. Check out:

– Competence to deal with situations efficiently;

– Confidence in skills;

– Connection with family and friends;

– Character resulting from the notion of right and wrong;

– Contribute to the common good;

– Combat stress to face problems with serenity;

– Internal control to differentiate solutions.


In times of crisis in all spheres, pandemic and unemployment, having resilience is the key to happiness, social well-being and a better quality of life. Being resilient avoids suffering and makes life lighter.

Characteristic that can be natural to the person or developed at any time, whether as a child, in adolescence or in adult life.

A resilient person sees the world with different eyes and easily identifies the opportunities that life presents to him.

She manages to learn from her own mistakes, developing tools so that this does not happen again.

Optimism, positivism, patience, understanding, altruism, self-confidence, are some qualities that can be better worked on in the path of resilience.

Some people are born with good doses of them, others need to be cultivated to maintain physical and emotional health.

The balance between doing, solving and thinking about how and if I can solve it is what makes the difference. Resilient people go through situations of deep stress with ease.

They work to solve the problem instead of getting caught up in it. To better understand this, among other subjects that contribute to your social and emotional well-being, visit our blog .

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by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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