13 tips on how to work from home and stay productive

How to work from home and remain productive. By reading this sentence I know that your brain has unconsciously thought: impossible!

Do you work from home or telecommute?  Don’t you know how to face the challenges that this entails or how to forget the daily distractions?

Do you repeat to yourself daily ” I want to work from home “, ” I need to work from home “; But are you unable to listen to those phrases that resonate in your head because your productivity level is below minimum?

Quiet and breathe!

More and Better comes to your aid.

We have thought of you when writing this post and, therefore, we are going to share with you 13 tips on how to work from home and remain 100% productive .

Start implementing them today and finally enjoy free time to dedicate to yourself, your family and your hobbies.

Let’s go get them!

Table of Contents hide ]

  • 13 tips on how to work from home and keep your productivity going high
    • First tip on how to work from home: Incorporate a morning routine as soon as possible
    • Two: find “your workplace” at home
    • Three: work only when you must
    • Fourth tip on how to work from home: be clear about what you have to do
    • Fifth: eat well, eat healthy
    • Sixth: rest
    • Seventh tip on how to work from home: plan your whole day
    • Eighth: Watch the news
    • Ninth: remember the “face to face”
    • Tenth tip on how to work from home: don’t forget the people who live with you
    • Let’s go for number eleven: commit to doing more than you set out to do
    • Tip number twelve on how to work from home: early morning
    • Tip number thirteen: put on music

We have been working from home for years  and we know well what we are talking about when we touch this subject.

When we decided to leave our office jobs to create More and Better and work from home, we also faced the same challenges that you face today.

We were distracted by a fly, we organized ourselves fatally and we extended our working hours to infinity.

One of the reasons why we are specialists in productivity is precisely this: we also went with the tongue out until we decided to take control of our time.

We are specialists in productivity because we also went with the tongue out until we decided to take control of our time. @masymejorcom #Productividad #Teletrabajo #TrabajardesdeCasa


For this reason, and because we put into practice some of the habits that we are going to share with you next.

By this we mean that each and every one of them is more than proven because we have incorporated them into our daily lives with complete success.

Pay attention and take note.

13 tips on how to work from home and keep your productivity going high

I know the unknowns that come to you every day and every hour, while you work from home :

  • How can I maintain my productivity?
  • How can I do so that my work day is not extended to 12 hours a day?
  • How do I get around the distractions around me?

Each one of the tips that I am going to give you below attack all these unknowns and ends them with the stroke of the pen.


First tip on how to work from home: Incorporate a morning routine as soon as possible

I’m going to ask you for something.

Think about when someone goes to the office to work.

The alarm clock rings, he gets up, takes a shower, has breakfast and leaves for the office.

He works, ends his day and returns home having finished his job that day.

As you can see, it is a routine that begins and ends at a certain time frame.

If you work from home, you should implement a similar routine as soon as possible  to prevent your workday from being delayed and extending it until late in the afternoon.

If you work from home, implement a routine as soon as possible to prevent your day from being delayed and extending it to infinity. @masymejorcom #Productividad #Teletrabajo #TrabajardesdeCasa


We will avoid working 12 hours a day from now.

It is very likely that, without that routine, procrastination knocks on your door and unproductivity comes to visit you .

We are going to slam the doors and say goodbye to them forever.

Two: find “your workplace” at home

We have already mentioned this to you once.

Finding a work area tailored to your needs is essential to be productive.

Imagine that you work in the same room where your children are playing, or where your roommate is watching the Netflix series you love so much.

It is more than likely that you will be distracted and lose focus in a few minutes, no matter how hard you set out to be productive that day.

Remember that, even if you do not work from a traditional office, you are in the place where you carry out your professional activity, so avoid areas that your brain associates as leisure areas.

If you telecommute, avoid areas your brain associates with as leisure areas. @masymejorcom #Productividad #Teletrabajo #TrabajardesdeCasa


Also do not forget that this area must be tidy, clean and must transmit a certain harmony to you so as not to lose focus.

Three: work only when you must

Sometimes we are so obsessed with work that we do it at any time and at any time , without taking into account the people who live with us: couples, friends, children.

If we work only when we must, we will be able to be aware of each moment in which we are present and, in addition, our personal relationships will continue to run smoothly.

Fourth tip on how to work from home: be clear about what you have to do

Time, as they say, is money.

So don’t waste it when you’re sitting and ready to give it your all at work.

Think about what is really important that day and focus on it.

Keep in mind that  it is not about finishing things soon, but about doing more and finishing them as soon as possible , about being more efficient.

This is possible only if you are clear about which tasks are important, which are emergencies and which are secondary tasks or, what is the same, being clear about what you have to do.

The trick is to understand what tasks will help you the most to continue growing, evolving or improving your business.

When teleworking, the trick is understanding what tasks will help you continue to grow, evolve, or improve your business. @masymejorcom #Productividad #Teletrabajo #TrabajardesdeCasa


Fifth: eat well, eat healthy

In Más y Mejor we are very clear that our diet has a direct impact on how we feel  and, therefore, also on our productivity.

Our energy, our will power and concentration depend, believe it or not, on what we eat.

Our energy, will power, and concentration depend on what we eat. He works from home eating well and healthy. @masymejorcom #Productividad #Teletrabajo #TrabajardesdeCasa


To function well, we need to consume good food.

We discovered that this habit is fundamental, when we did not take too much care of our diet and we realized that we were not capable of making decisions, we did not have a focus directed towards anything in particular and we felt that we were constantly tired.

Take advantage of the fact that now you work from home , and that you can avoid fast food and restaurants, to prepare homemade and healthy dishes.

Sixth: rest

When we start working from home , as we tend to mismanage time and extend the day until late in the afternoon, we overlook how important it is to work with maximum concentration  as to rest when we need it.

So … rest!

One of the keys to doing more in less time is taking a few minutes of rest.

One of the keys to doing more in less time is taking a few minutes of rest. If you want to take the leap, take a break! @masymejorcom #Productividad #Teletrabajo #TrabajardesdeCasa


When you stop, your brain “ resets ” and, when you decide to resume your tasks, it will cost you less to concentrate and you will be more prepared to get more work ahead.

If you want to take the leap, take a break!

Seventh tip on how to work from home: plan your whole day

At Más y Mejor we qualify ourselves as freaks  of organization and planning.

Many times they ask us if we can be happy having until the hour of the hairdresser in our Google Calendar, but it is that you do not imagine how easy it is for us to anticipate unforeseen events, be able to adapt to them and have time for everything .

What we do is the following.

On Sundays, we plan the entire week.

And, for example, on Monday we review Tuesday’s tasks to leave them well planned and not waste time thinking about what we have to do that day.

Believe me, this is a relief and a relief that you can not imagine.

Eighth: Watch the news

It is very important that you control the time you spend watching or listening to the news, especially in times of crisis, such as the one we are experiencing with the arrival of the Coronavirus.

Not only are they distracting you, they are also going to intoxicate your brain and go completely off-center.

We have verified that, especially at the beginning of the Coronavirus crisis, both the team and we were super decentralized.

Life had changed us and we received information on the minute of everything that was happening.

As in moments like this it is almost impossible to be disconnected from everything that happens and we understand that we need to have a minimum of information, we advise you:

Make blocks of time to do your tasks effectively and tell someone to let you know if something important happens during the time you are focused on your work.

Thus, you are calm because you are going to have knowledge of anything serious that happens and you continue concentrating on your own without getting too intoxicated.

Don’t forget that ” absence of news is good news “.

Ninth: remember the “face to face”

Working from home can awaken in you a feeling of loneliness if you do not know how to carry it , even more if you live alone.

At first it may seem great to be with your ball and even enjoy that solitude, but over time you will surely miss having a partner next to you to have a coffee.

We are social beings and we need to connect with people, it is human.

I know you send emails daily, social media messages, etc .; but it is important to hear someone’s voice.

We advise you to make video calls to continue connecting with people and not lose that company that we all need.

When you work from home, don’t lose touch with people. Face the loneliness of teleworking and get out of the cave! @masymejorcom #Productividad #Teletrabajo #TrabajardesdeCasa


Whenever possible, meet people to have a drink and that the contact is “face to face”, come on, let’s get out of the cave and face virtually or in person!

Tenth tip on how to work from home: don’t forget the people who live with you

This tip is related to number 3.

Record what hours you have  each day with your partner, roommates or friends so they are aware of when they can contact you.

If the people who live with you are not aware of this schedule they will not know when they can dedicate their time and vice versa and will generate confusion among you.

Don’t let working from home harm your personal relationships.

Let’s go for number eleven: commit to doing more than you set out to do

What do we mean by this?

Normally, we estimate a certain time to perform a task and, also, it usually happens that it takes us longer than we had thought.

This can lead us to believe that we have been less productive than we really were, because we think that we do less than we had planned.

Therefore, it is good to commit to doing more than you have in mind because you will end that feeling and it is likely that you will carry out more tasks than you thought at the beginning of the day.

Tip number twelve on how to work from home: early morning

It is important to get up early or get up an hour earlier than you are used to every morning.

Think about getting up and, almost from bed, you are already sitting at the computer to work.

Although it may be difficult at first, get to work soon after getting up.

It is the best way not to lengthen the morning coffee and that the laziness eats you by the feet.

So early morning and productivity  go almost together.

A good early morning is linked, believe it or not, to productivity. Get up earlier to be more productive from home. @masymejorcom #Productividad #Teletrabajo #TrabajardesdeCasa


If it is not difficult for you to get up very early and incorporate this habit into your day, you will realize that you enjoy a concentration, a peace and a silence that does not take place at any other time of the day and, therefore, you produce More and Better.

Tip number thirteen: put on music

Music is your ally to increase your concentration, it gives you calm and energy.

It would be great if you could make multiple playlists based on the task you perform. For example, if the task is more stressful, play relaxing music.

Typically, different styles of music are used to stay focused.

To get you started on this tip on how to work from home right  now, here is our scientifically proven tip to give you a brutal energy rush.

What do you think of these 13 tips about working from home ?

Incorporate these habits into your life and your productivity will take off like a rocket.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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