Optimizing Laptop Performance For More Productive Work

In the current era of technological advances, the existence of a laptop is very important. With multifunctional uses and can be used anywhere, making laptops as a tool to support work productivity . Therefore, we as laptop users are obliged to care for and maintain our laptops so that laptop performance remains optimal and extends the laptop’s lifespan. This article will discuss the advantages of good laptop performance to support work productivity and some tips that you can try to optimize your laptop.

Advantages of Good Laptop Performance to Support Work Productivity

There are several advantages of good laptop performance to support work productivity , including:

  1. Laptops with good performance make various jobs such as programming, designing designs, storing business data, finding information, and other jobs easier.
  2. A laptop with good performance can help you get work done faster.
  3. Laptops with good performance allow you to do more than one job at once such as searching for information, writing letters, and editing photos at the same time.

There are many more benefits that you will get with a laptop that works well. You can feel this when you are diligent in caring for and cleaning your laptop.

How to Clean a Laptop

Many things can make our laptops dirty, such as dust, or even the habit of eating while using a laptop that can cause food crumbs to enter between the keyboard. In addition to being a nest of germs, dirt stuck in between the keyboard can make the keyboard jammed or unable to function. Because it is important for us laptop users to pay attention to the cleanliness of the laptop we have so that the laptop is durable and comfortable to use. Here’s how to clean a laptop:

  1. Cleaning Laptop Screen
  2. First wet the cloth using a special cleaning solution.
  3. Then hold down the back of the screen to prevent the laptop from moving and avoid damaging the laptop hinges when the laptop screen is cleaned.
  4. After that, start cleaning the laptop screen in a circular motion.
  5. Avoid using strong cleaning agents such as alcohol as they can damage the LCD screen, you can make your own cleaning solution using a mixture of vinegar and water instead.
  6. Cleaning Laptop Keyboard
  7. Make sure the laptop is off.
  8. Turn the laptop over and gently shake it open to clear the crumbs.
  9. With the state still upside down, use a soft-bristled brush to wipe between the keyboard. In addition to this method, you can use a mini vacuum cleanerto suck up dirt between the keyboards.
  10. To clean the keyboard keys, use a microfibercloth that has been moistened with a little water or you can use alcohol or a disinfectant.

Tips for Caring for Laptop Batteries

Laptop batteries are an important component so that you can use your laptop anywhere without having to be connected to an electric current. In general, a healthy laptop battery can keep the laptop running for up to 6 to 8 hours. The following are some tips for caring for laptop batteries to keep them durable:

  1. Avoid storing the laptop in high air temperatures.
  2. Avoid 0% battery discharge as this may damage the battery. Charge the battery at 20-30% capacity
  3. Do not charge the laptop battery for too long. Consider unplugging when the battery is 80% charged instead of 100%.
  4. Activate battery saving mode
  5. Keep the laptop vents clean because if the laptop vents are covered with dust or objects on your desk will make the fan work harder which can cause the laptop battery to drain quickly.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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