Deltoids:origin, insertion, location, how to stretch them

The different muscles of the body receive their name according to various factors, for example, the investigations carried out, their operation or the resemblance to other elements. In this last point we find the deltoid, which receives this name due to the similarity it has with the letter Delta , of the alphabet originated in Greece.

What is the deltoid? What are their characteristics? What is the correct way to strengthen it? We will talk about all these points in this article.

What is the deltoid?

When we talk about the deltoid, we mean the muscle whose origin spans 3 parts of the body, namely clavicle, acromion, and spinous process of the scapula . It is very easy to identify it because, although it starts in 3 locations, all of them join in the middle third of the humerus. In fact, that is the reason why its name is associated with the Greek letter delta.

It has 7 bellies and its path reaches the shoulder . One of the particular characteristics of this muscle is that, although it is only one, each of the bellies it has can be contracted individually.

Origin, insertion and location of the deltoid

We can know in detail some factors related to the deltoid. The National Library of Medicine points out the following aspects to consider.


This is in 3 parts. The first, in the clavicle , specifically in the external zone of it. Of the 7 bellies that it has, there are 2 or 3 that are directly related to this part of the body.

The second starting site for the deltoid is the acromion , which only has one of the bellies connecting it to the main muscle. The last part of the body it originates from is the scapular spine , which interacts with the most number of bellies, a total of 4. That is why it exerts the most influence with this muscle.


Although they start in 3 different places, they end up joining in one place , which is known as the humerus. Being much more specific, the area where the 3 parts of the deltoid meet is the external lateral aspect of the middle third. All of these are found on the shoulder.

It should be noted that each of the parts of the deltoid fulfill different functions, but they all help to carry out movements of the arms and shoulders, with the abductor being the most benefited.


The deltoid is located between the clavicle, the acromion and the scapular spine, and then extends to the humerus. For this reason, it is easy to determine that it is located in the shoulders. Its location allows it to influence flexion , abduction, and rotation of the shoulders and arms.

For all this, the deltoid is one of the most useful muscles in the body. However, in order for each of these functions to be carried out in the best way, it must be in optimal conditions.

How to stretch the deltoids?

The best thing that can be done to stretch and strengthen the deltoids is to follow the recommendations of expert trainers. Thanks to them, a list of the most useful exercises has been drawn up and approved .

Shoulders with arms parallel

To carry out this activity, only a space of approximately 4 square meters is required. These are the steps to follow.

  1. home. The body is placed in an upright position, while one of the hands is stretched out in front, parallel to the ground.
  2. Movement. The other arm should be placed in the shape of a hook, holding the other by the elbow area. Now, it is brought to the opposite shoulder and held there for 30 seconds.
  3. Duration. This position can be held for half a minute or a little less.
  4. repetition. Once the selected time is over, the vertical position of the body is maintained, but this time the work of the arms is exchanged. Up to 5 sessions can be performed for each arm.

This exercise is ideal because it directly strengthens different muscles, such as the trapezius, rhomboids and, mainly, the deltoid.

Shoulders with crossed arms

The space needed to carry out this exercise is very little, barely 2 square meters. The following steps have to be followed.

  1. home. Each hand is placed on the opposite shoulder, that is, the left hand on the right shoulder and vice versa. The rest of the body should be kept upright at all times.
  2. Movement. The idea is to roll your shoulders back and hold that position.
  3. Duration. It is necessary that it be maintained for 30 seconds, and then relax the shoulders. Rest for a few seconds and then repeat the exercise until completing 10 repetitions.

The muscles that receive the most benefit include the deltoids, trapezius, and rhomboids , as well as others that receive indirect strengthening.

Arms crossed on the thighs

This is one of the exercises that requires greater physical resistance, because different parts of the body are involved. This is the proper way to do it.

  1. home. Although the body is placed in an upright position, the knees should be bent until the thighs are parallel to the ground. The hands are placed behind the knees, putting the right on the left leg and vice versa.
  2. Movement. Once you are ready for the activity, you begin to raise the body, trying to reduce the bending in the knees. The limit depends on when the tension is too high for the person doing the exercise.
  3. Duration. The goal is to hold the most demanding position for 30 seconds.

In addition to the deltoids, the trapezius and the latissimus dorsi are favored thanks to this activity. It can be repeated up to 10 times, always making sure to receive the greatest demand on the shoulder muscles .

These are just some of the exercises that can be done. It is always a good idea to ask a professional trainer for suggestions , in order to do everything right and avoid injury.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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