Benefits of Dates for Infant Health

Dates are one of the fruits that are often targeted and synonymous with the month of Ramadan . Even in Islam, the sunnah is the law to consume this sweet fruit when breaking the fast.

Because stocking quite a lot at home, may have crossed your mind, whether dates may also be eaten by your child. Do not hesitate because reported by Parenting FirstCry , dates may be given to babies.

You can serve dates when your baby has received complementary food (MPASI). Even so make sure you have smoothed it first. Not only delicious, dates also have a variety of benefits for babies , such as:

Ajwa Dates Photo: Thinkstock

Smooth digestion

Moms, dates can protect the digestive system of children and fight constipation. This is because the high fiber content in it can help improve your child’s digestive system so that it is more smooth.

Improve eye health

Just like carrots, dates also contain high amounts of vitamin A. This means that dates are able to nourish the eyes of children , and maximize the development of their vision function.

Maintain the immune system

Antioxidants in dates can help fight infections and enhance the immune system of your child.

Increase hemoglobin levels

Besides being able to maintain the immune system, the iron content in dates increases the amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells. As a result, its effects increase hair growth, nourish the skin and avoid anemia.

Good for brain development

Potassium in dates helps the growth and development of the baby’s brain. In addition, potassium is also tasked to help the cognitive development of your child, Moms.

So do not hesitate to give your little date again, Moms!


by Abdullah Sam
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