How to beat Nioh 2’s Uminyudo boss

Nioh 2 boss Uminyudo is a messy spot and something for those who have conquered the Mysterious Monk Warrior. It’s a giant monster and can be a little intense in both of its forms if you do it the wrong way. Here are some tips to understand how to beat Nioh 2’s Uminyudo boss.

How to beat Nioh 2’s Uminyudo boss

Again, like the Mysterious Warrior Monk boss, the Nioh 2 boss takes many of the basic tips for most fights: pattern recognition, knowing when to burst into when it glows red, being smart about how to handle the own Ki and health bars, and use Yokai’s move (circle and triangle) to end the fight. These are all pretty simple things. In general, you can be pretty aggressive with this boss and keep hitting his face as often as he misses if you are close (in his greatest form, at least), but it helps to learn about his attack patterns.

First of all, be sure to block immediately when the fight begins. Sometimes it will immediately spit an anchor, which will slap you if you don’t expect it (as you can see in the picture above) or a few balls of water. He will start sucking after spitting out the water balls. Just use the Counter Burst * on his big face because it’s a pretty slow attack. One of his other Burst Counterattack * moves is a laser that is very difficult to avoid, giving you another reason to stay close to his face.

There is also a large attack where he will flap his arms down. This is very slow so you can wait until the arms begin to drop to dodge sideways. Don’t dodge too soon! If you go to attack your face, just be a little cautious as it will unexpectedly spit an anchor at you. Somehow it comes out of the mouth so that you can have some time to react.

When he falters and his face falls on the ship, wait for him with everything you have but watch out for your Ki gauge. After that happens, it usually takes its second smaller form where you have to play a little more defensively. Use a lot of lightning attacks. Don’t block them. Stand back and dodge out of their blast radius, which is shown on the ground by small yellow sparks after it draws a symbol in the air. There is also another lightning strike where he puts his arms in his arm. This has a large area of ​​effect, so get out of there as soon as you raise your arms.

The third lightning strike is more of a laser. Start by firing from his “feet” before firing violently. Make sure you dodge sideways just as he starts moving his head up. It’s fast, so be careful.

His Counter Burst * move is also very slow, so be sure to use your Counter Burst * after it turns red. Uminyudo will also raise his arms without any elemental effect and will quickly break down in front of it (as you can see in the figure above). Make sure you dodge sideways. This is very fast, so be ready.

Entering the Yokai realm doesn’t change the fight much. Be more attentive to your Ki and quickly take care of any crabs that show up. They can be an unwelcome distraction if you let them linger. Use your Yokai skills to ship them quickly.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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