What does thrifty mean in Valorant?

If you have won many games in Valorant, you may have noticed the thrifty victory status. This is one of several post round tags that define special conditions that determined the outcome of the round. What does thrifty mean in Valorant and what does it take to make it appear? Read on to find out.

Valorant | What does thrifty mean?

In Valorant, thrifty means your team won the round by spending less money than the opposing team. It is based on the literal definition of the word: using money in a careful and thoughtful way. Thrifty will appear whenever you earn a round win with a less expensive loadout than your opponents.

Everything is linked to the idea of ​​playing with echo. If you’re not familiar with that term, it’s all about making the most of the gaming economy. You want to buy shields and good weapons whenever possible, but you also need to consider the right time to buy. Playing echo involves thinking about the weapons used by your teammates and enemy players.

In the game, the phrase “playing with the echo” generally implies both save rounds and purchase rounds. Purchase rounds are what they seem – you buy what you can or what you want. It is practically the standard procedure. On the other hand, save rounds result in a delay in purchasing weapons and armor, so that the whole team can afford a better loading of the next round.

If your team saves while the enemy team buys, yet your team manages to win the round, the word thrift will appear on the screen. You spent less money than them and still got a round win. It is thrifty and it is also a very smart way to play. And in a competitive game like Valorant, playing smart is the best way to win.


by Abdullah Sam
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