How to beat the boss Nioh 2 Mysterious Warrior Monk

The Nioh 2 Mysterious Warrior Monk boss is the first big challenge of the Disciple of Tengu as it is the first big opponent you will face. It can cut you quickly if you’re not careful, especially if you’re coming to the DLC after playing the main game. Here are some tips and strategies so you can figure out how to beat him.

How to beat the boss Nioh 2 Mysterious Warrior Monk

Nioh 2 Mysterious Warrior Monk boss isn’t the hardest boss in the DLC, but you’ll need to beat the basics to defeat him. This includes pattern recognition, knowing when to pop Counterattack * when it glows red, being smart about how to manage your Ki and health bars, and using the Yokai Shift (Circle and Triangle) to end the fight. He’s not the fastest boss, so your weapon choice shouldn’t be limited to your fastest armament. You can even kill it pretty effectively with the new splitstaff.

Right after the mace, be sure to immediately block when entering the fight. Sometimes he will quickly throw his weapons at you from the backpack or immediately throw you and cut you. He’ll also throw his blades at you if you get far enough away from him, so be careful. One of these sword throws shows that it is winding counterclockwise. It’s a big bullet, so block or dodge sideways.

His grip, indicated by the white glow, is his most powerful attack. Avoid sideways and not backwards because, given the nature of the stab, you will likely get ripped and stabbed. This combo does a lot of damage, so be careful and learn relatively forgiving timing. Also make sure you are not close to him. If you are too close, he will sometimes still suck you even when dodged sideways.

It has a couple of Counter Burst * moves that turn red like all the other Counter Burst * moves in the game. And thankfully, they’re all on the slow side, so you should have plenty of time to pull out your Counter Burst * as it slowly moves and loads its weapon or turns you vertically. The first lap is a bit faster but it is still not difficult to counter it.

His other attacks are pretty standard. His vanilla strike attack in which he does a quick lunge first usually has five attacks to it and is split into two sections (the last two strikes are a headshot and a regular cut). Just protect them and try to stand near or behind them to counter the attack. It tends to cut horizontally, so dodging is a little riskier. The same goes for his basic four or five-hit attack with the spear and the three-hit attack with the ax. He also appears immune to damage when he steps on his staff and a small tornado hits him.

Sometimes it will stagger and stumble backwards, allowing for some easy hits. It looks like it can do this if you cry it loud enough when it arrives in your backpack to take out another weapon.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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