7 Important Nutrition The Body Needs Every Day

Our body needs 7 types of nutrients every day so it is not easy to get sick.

Come on, learn what are the consequences if you are deficient or excess of 7 nutrients!


Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. The body converts simple sugars and complex starches into glucose to become the body’s energy source.

Excess carbohydrates will increase body weight because it is stored by the body in the form of fat.

How to prevent excess carbohydrates?

Change the consumption of white rice, cakes, and white bread to wheat / oatmeal, sorghum, quinoa, carrots, beets, and beans which are high in fiber and full of mineral vitamins.

Sources of high-fiber carbohydrates make you more full and full of nutrients.

How many carbohydrates does the body need?

It is recommended, 40% of our calories come from carbohydrates.

Usually, Indonesian women with normal weight and activities only need 1,500 cal / day, with a reference to 40% we need 600 calories / day from carbohydrates, equivalent to 3 servings of white rice / day.


Protein is useful for cell growth and repair .

Our body breaks down proteins into various kinds of amino acids which are then absorbed by the body’s cells for their metabolic and growth needs.

How much protein is needed every day?

The body needs 0.8gr of protein for every 1kg of body weight . So the protein needed by men is around 44g every day , and 36g for women.

As a reference, 36-44 grams of protein is equivalent to 1-2 chicken breasts .

What happens if there is excess protein?

There are so many cases where we often consume more protein. The most common consequences are gout, increased cholesterol , weight gain, impaired kidney function and increased risk of cancer .

To prevent excess protein, just make sure that in one portion of our food there are only 1-2 types of protein sources such as chicken, fish or replace with vegetable protein such as beans, seeds, tempeh, and green vegetables.

  1. FAT

Fat is a rich source of energy that helps in the absorption of Vitamins A, D, E, and K and hormone repair in the body. The best sources of fat are avocado, nuts, green vegetables, and fruits.

What happens if excess fat?

  • Increases the risk of cancer
  • Obesity
  • Constipation
  • Damage to the artery and brain walls
  • High cholesterol

How much fat does the body need?

The average adult should consume 30% fat, 30% protein, and 40% carbohydrates .

The fat consumed should contain omega 3 and vegetable oil.

With a reference of 1,500 calories per day, 30% fat is equivalent to 450 calories or  3 tablespoons of olive oil or 6 tablespoons of peanut butter in a day .


Vitamins are very important for  the body’s metabolism and care for body cells .

Every cell in the body needs Vitamins for many processes in them and we  most often lack  vitamins  due to the selection and processing of modern foods.

Vitamin C & B complex is very vulnerable to temperature  so it is often damaged when cooked at high temperatures.

What’s more, Vitamin C & B complex  must be consumed every day because the excess cannot be stored in the body  and is always excreted in urine.

Lack of vitamins  can cause  eye disease, anemia, hypertension, kidney disease, premature aging, eczema, cancer, cough colds, osteoporosis,  and  pain during menstruation / menstruation.

Vitamins can be found in fruits and vegetables such as nuts, spinach, apples, tomatoes, sunflower seeds, avocados, kale, sunflower seeds , beets, lemons and oranges.


Minerals are also very important for growth and metabolic processes in our body cells, ranging from hair, skin, bones to blood cells need minerals in their daily lives.

Minerals also improve nerve function and help convert food into energy .

What happens if we lack minerals?

Lack of minerals can cause many metabolic processes disrupted and health problems arise such as  osteoporosis, anemia, fatigue, dry skin, hair loss and hormonal balance problems .

How many minerals does the body need per day?

Based on the amount needed by the body, minerals can be grouped into 2, namely major and minor minerals.

Major minerals are generally minerals that are needed in amounts of 100 mg per day or more. Major minerals include calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, and magnesium.

While minor minerals or often called  trace minerals  are minerals that are needed in small amounts by the body.

Some of the minor minerals are zinc, iron, manganese, copper, boron, silicon, molybdenum, vanadium, chromium, selenium, and iodine.

Many minerals are obtained from plants that grow in the soil such as ginger, turmeric, carrots, beets, nuts, cashews, and also dark green vegetables such as kale.


Plant fiber or also called dietary fiber ( dietary fiber) is a part of food that is not broken down by the body and helps to maintain a better digestive system function.

Fiber is useful for helping the absorption of nutrients in the intestine , maintaining optimal intestinal activity, controlling immunity and intestinal bacterial balance and protecting body cells so as to prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, liver disease and colon cancer.

How to avoid fiber deficiency?

Increase consumption of green vegetables like Spinach Horenzo, Kale, Parsley, Celery and other green vegetables .

You can also consume foods high in carbohydrates and protein which also contain high fiber such as wheat, sorghum, edamame, and tempeh.

  1. AIR

65% of body weight is made of water.  The water content in the body decreases through digestion, breathing, sweat, and urine.

It is very important to replenish the water content in our body by  drinking mineral water  or eating fruits that have high water content such as cucumber, watermelon, and oranges.

What happens if we drink less water?

Lack of water can cause interference and damage to many cells and organs such as the brain, eyes, blood, and digestive tract .

The characteristics can be seen from the weak concentration, moody , dry eyes, thick blood, low blood pressure, constipation, yellow urine, kidney stone pain, and pain when urinating.

How much water does the body need?

Usually, we are recommended to drink 8 glasses per day (2-3 liters) . But overdoing it is also not healthy.

Another simple way to see the adequacy of drinking water is to keep the BAK bright yellow throughout the day .

The Detox package contains 8 bottles of juice  that are made taking into account these  7 nutrients needed by the body .

Fill nutrition  with  detox routine 1 day every week  so that the intestine can be cleaner and hormones can be more balanced. Also read: What is Detox?


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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