GERD;Symptoms, Causes and How to Overcome It

Stomach acid disease was not just an ulcer.

There is also another stomach acid disease called GERD whose causes, symptoms and ways to treat it are almost similar.

GERD is gaining in popularity because many people think it is an ulcer. But after a lot of medical information that introduced about GERD, public knowledge also increased.

What is GERD?

GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)  is a condition of stomach acid that rises to the esophagus ( re-flux ) triggered by throat muscles that do not function well and hurt the esophagus.

GERD sufferers are  usually also sufferers of Ulcer.

Also read: 6 Ways to Overcome Ulcer

What are the causes of GERD?

  1. Eating spicy foods that are oily, high in sugar and preservatives that will trigger gastric acid fluctuations are increasing
  2. Drinking drinks that contain caffeine and high alcohol
  3. Accustomed to go straight to bed or lie down after eating without a 30 minute break beforehand
  4. Irregular hours of sleep (less than 7-8 hours a day) so that it affects hormones out of balance and triggers increased gastric acid fluctuations
  5. Lack of eating fruit vegetables so it lacks natural nutrition

Although Similar, Symptoms of GERD and Ulcer Differ

Also read:  Difference between Ulcer and GERD

4 Signs Affected by Gerd

If you experience the following symptoms:

  1. Frequent pain in the solar plexus, especially when late eating or after eating.
  2. Nausea and sometimes even want to vomit when late eating or right after eating.
  3. Burp> 7x every day.
  4. The chest often feels hot to make it tight, especially when late eating or after eating. Stomach often feels bloated.

It could be that you have GERD symptoms .

Why Can Frequent Coffee Can Trigger Gerd?

Have a habit of drinking excessive coffee? Well, be careful because excessive coffee can trigger GERD. Here goes the reason:

  1. The caffeine in coffee blocks the absorption of micronutrients, so the upper gastric valve overflows and the stomach acid rises
  2. The caffeine in coffee increases stomach acid production, so it comes out into the esophagus
  3. The sugar content in coffee that is normally high increases the production of stomach acid up to the esophagus
  4. The casein content of cow’s milk inhibits the absorption and benefits of phytonutrients .

Also read:  5 things about GERD that you don’t know about

How to deal with GERD naturally?

Although Maag and GERD are a little different, the way to handle them is almost the same. Here are 8 habits that can help you overcome GERD:

  1. Reduce  spicy foods, sour, red meat, chocolate and foods made from flour.
  2. Eat more regularly
  3. Regular sleep cycle
  4. Avoid coffee, tea and alcohol
  5. If you want to lie down after eating,  wait for 2 hours
  6. The sitting position must be upright & not bent
  7. Use a higher pillow when you sleep
  8. Detox Maag routine 1 day every week

In addition to controlling diet, fruit fungi in Detox juice also  helps repair damaged stomach walls with mineral vitamins and reduce inflammatory reactions.

Also read:  What is Detox?

How Can a Detox Routine Help Overcome Gerd?

  1. The Detox package contains a lot of magnesium and potassium minerals from fruits that can  strengthen the valve over the stomach .
  2. The Detox package contains complex carbohydrates and fiber,  so that it can  reduce levels of stomach acid, sugar levels absorbed by the body, & the activity of bad bacteria in the stomach.
  3. The Detox package contains a lot of fruit phytonutrients  to be able to  restore the balance of gastric bacteria , balance stomach acid levels, and improve the healing process of the stomach and esophagus.
  4. The method of fasting from solid food for a day can reduce the work of the stomach and be able to restore the balance of stomach acid production and give more time to the process of healing the stomach and esophagus.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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