100 Examples of Affixes

The affixes are particles that bind to a word (or the root of a word) and are derived words , changing the meaning of the word to which they bind. For example: a morph- (formless), cinema- philia (love of film).

Depending on their location with respect to the word they can be:

Prefixes . Morphemes that precede the root of the word.

    • Derivative prefixes . They form a word of different meaning. For example: anti virus. 
    • Inflectional prefixes . They express another grammatical category (they do not exist in Spanish).

Suffixes . Morphemes that are added after the root of the word.

    • Diminutives . They indicate smallness or affective closeness. For example: chiqu illo . 
    • Augmentatives . They indicate amazement or an exaggerated characteristic. For example: azo goal .
    • Contemptuous . Pejoratively degrade the word they modify. For example: callej uela .

Infixes . They are inserted inside the root of the word. They do not exist in Spanish.

  • See also: Prefixes and suffixes

Examples of prefixes

  1. An, a . Denial or absence of something.

For example: a normal, an alphabet, a cephalic, a morpho.

  1. Anti : Opposition or contradiction.

For example: anti nomia,  anti Semitic, anti biotic,  anti clerical, antidote , antipode .

  1. Audi : It has sound.

For example: audi ovisual, audi tivo, Audí phone.

  1. Self : Own, towards himself or by himself.

For example: autó Nomo, self – taught, self indulgent, self – critical, self mobile autó kills self destructive.

  1. Bi : Double or two.

For example: bi- cycle, bi- nary, bi- directional, bisexual, bipolar, great-grandmother, great-grandfather, fork.

  1. Co : Participation or union.

For example:  co- author, co- operate, co- valent, co- adjuvant.

  1. De, di, des, dis : Withdrawal, inversion of a meaning, excess, negation, decrease or absence.

For example: des order, dis continuous dis Cordia, of growth, des believe, dis locar.

  1. Hemi : Half.

For example: hemi stiquio, hemi sferio, hemi cycle, hemi plegia.

  1. Hiccups : That is located below or in an insufficient amount.

For example: Hiccups therm, hypo- thyroidism, it hiccupped Criţă, hypo tension, hiccups field. 

  1. I, in, im : Opposite or opposite.

For example: in mortal, im bidder, il use, im probable, in morals, in nato, in Genuo, il egible, in faltable, i legal, in adapted, in stable, in sensible, in sondable, in bearable, in abarcable .

  1. Intro , Intra : into or into something.

For example: I intro pouring intra walls, intro mission, I intro duction.

  1. Goal : After, beyond or next to.

For example: meta physics, meta rrelato, metá fora, goal morfosis, meta center.

  1. Mega : Very big.

For example: megaphone , mega store, mega losaurus, mega loblast .

  1. Micro : Very small or small.

For example: micro bio, micro rrelato, micro waves, micro Scopio, micro bus.

  1. Multi : That has many.

For example: multi color, multi millionaire, multi language , multi verse, multi racial.

  1. Omni : All-encompassing.

For example: omni sciente, omni present, omni voro.

  1. Pre : What is previous.

For example: pre- disposition, pre- history, pre- trial, pre- course.

  1. Post or pos : After, after or followed by.

For example: post data, post war, post traumatic, post put, post operative, post partum.

  1. Re : That has been repeated.

For example: review, shuffle, rename, reset, reload, re-select, redo, replay.

  1. Without : Lack or deprivation of something or similarity or union.

For example: no ónimo, no taste, sim biosis, without apsis.

  1. About : What is in excess.

For example: over passing, over exposure, over valuing.

  1. Super : That is above, is superior or is in excess.

For example: Super Sonic, Super Man, Super market, super – equipped, super – ior.

  1. Tele : That is distant or far away.

For example:  I tele directed tele Ferico, Telé phone, TV viewer, TV Scopio, tele marketing, Tele graph, tele grass.

  1. Ultra : That is beyond.

For example: ultra sea, ultra sound, ultra violet, ultra grave.

Suffix Examples

  1. Arch : Forms of government.

For example: mon archy , oligarchic archy .

  1. Azo (augmentative suffix).

For example: amig azo , cod azo , bald azo .

  1. Cidio / cida : Action of killing what the root word represents.

For example: insecti cide , geno cide , parri cide .

  1. Filia : Love or fondness for what the root word represents.

For example: for filia , zoo filia , anglo filia , biblio filia , cine filia , franco filia , timbro filia .

  1. Ísimo (superlative suffix ).

For example: good ísimo , alt ísimo , Hermos ísimo , rapid ísimo .

  1. Ism : Doctrine, religion, ideology or current.

For example: cub ism , fasc ism , Christian ism , bud ism , common ism .

  1. Ito / ita : Small or close.

For example: Grandmother ito , mam ita , Dog ito , amigu ita , moment ito , calent ita , suavec ito .

  1. Logía : Study or science that is dedicated to the subject indicated by the root word.

For example: psycho- logy , immuno logy .

  1. Oide  (Derogatory Suffix).

For example: sentimental oide , intellectual oide .

  1. Ote / ota (augmentative suffix).

For example: libr ote , man ota .

  1. Usco / usca / uzco / uzca (Derogatory suffix ).

For example: PEDR usco , Black uzca .



by Abdullah Sam
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