100 Examples of Hot and cold blooded animals

The animals can be distinguished according to the mechanisms used to regulate its temperature body in:

  • Warm-blooded animals . They are animals that keep their body temperature constant (regardless of ambient temperature) and regulate it through metabolism. For example: the camel, the tiger and the monkey.
  • Cold-blooded animals . They are animals that cannot regulate their body temperature internally, so it varies according to the temperature of the environment. For example: the frog, the salmon and the manta ray.

Studies in thermophysiology determined that there are not only two categories (cold-blooded animals and warm-blooded animals), for which both concepts are imprecise terms (since not all animals belong entirely to one or the other category) and are in disuse in the scientific field. However, both distinctions continue to be used colloquially in some contexts.

  • It can help you: Poikilothermic animals

Warm-blooded animals

The warm – blooded animals are those that can maintain a constant body temperature regardless of climatic variations of the environment. They are usually birds or mammals . Most mammals maintain internal body temperature between 34º and 38º. For example: the dog, the lion or the human being.

Warm-blooded animals are also known as endotherms . This type of animal can present some variation in the temperature of its body, but this variation is, generally, minimal.

Types of thermoregulation

Warm-blooded animals can use three processes that allow thermoregulation:

  • Endothermy . It is the ability of some animals to produce internal heat in their body through shivering, panting or burning fat .
  • Homeothermy . It is the ability of some animals to maintain a constant body temperature regardless of the ambient temperature.
  • Tachymetabolism . It is the ability of some animals to maintain a high rate of metabolism at rest.

While most warm-blooded animals exhibit all three characteristics of thermoregulation, certain mammals or birds may not exhibit all three, for example, bats or some small birds.

Examples of warm-blooded animals

The lion is a warm-blooded mammal.

Armadillo Giraffe Elephant seal
 Ostrich Lemur Sea urchin
Whale Lion Seal
Ox Leopard Chicken
Owl Call Rooster
Donkey Raccoon Cat
Horse Groundhog Cheetah
Goat Monkey Hyena
Camel Walrus Cougar
Beaver Platypus Rat
  Bear Rhinoceros
Pig Anteater Humans
Hummingbird Sheep Tapir
Rabbit Woodpecker Tero
mutton Panther Tiger
Dolphin Lazy Cow
Elephant Dog  

Cold blooded animals

The cold – blooded animals are those who can not regulate their body temperature internally, so that its temperature varies depending on the ambient temperature. This term (“cold-blooded animals”) is currently in disuse in the scientific context and instead that of ectothermic animals is used .

Generally, cold-blooded animals are amphibians , insects , fish and reptiles that do not inhabit environments with very extreme temperature changes. For example: the lizard, the crocodile or the shark.

Types of thermoregulation

Cold-blooded animals can use three processes that allow thermoregulation:

  • Ectothermy . It is the ability of some animals to use external sources to regulate their body temperature.
  • Poikilothermia . It is the inability of some animals to regulate their body temperature, so it fluctuates according to that of their immediate environment.
  • Bradimetabolism . It is the ability of some animals to vary the speed of their metabolism to regulate their body temperature depending on the food available and the ambient temperature.

Despite this classification, not all cold-blooded animals have all three characteristics of thermoregulation.

Examples of cold-blooded animals

Most reptiles and amphibians are cold-blooded animals.

Wasp Stingray Iguana
Eel  Fly Stick insect
Spider Brunette Killi
Herring Salmon Lizard
Scorpion Perlon Lizard
Tuna Angel fish Locust
Catfish Harlequin fish Toad
Barracuda Paddlefish Sardine
Seahorse Lion fish Snake
Alligator Clownfish Sea snake
Chameleon Sawfish Tetra
Large tent Piton Shark
Cobra Frog Turtle
Alligator Mockingbird Snake
Croaker Salamander  


by Abdullah Sam
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