20 Examples of Shake and ajito

Agito is a conjugated form of the verb “shake” ( stirred dressing before adding to plants ). Ajito is the diminutive of the noun “ajo” ( ajito is more than enough for this preparation ).

The words “agito” and “ajito” are homophones , meaning that they sound phonetically the same but their meaning is different and they are written differently. In orality, when we hear any of these words, we may not know if they are written with G or with J, which is why they can sometimes generate confusion.

  • See also:  Opened and would have

When is each used?

  • I shake . It is the verb “agitar” conjugated in the first person singular of the present indicative mood , and refers to moving intensely from one side to the other, disturbing or disturbing the mood, causing social or political discontent. For example: I always shake the cream before use to make it emulsify.
  • Ajito . It is the diminutive of the word “garlic”, which refers to the edible plant that is often used as a condiment. For example: I put just one ajito , but the flavor invaded the preparation.

Examples of sentences with “agito”

  1. Once I mix the ingredients, I shake the preparation.
  2. I get agitated every time I see it coming.
  3. If I agitate the population it is because I disagree with the government’s measures.
  4. When I bathe the baby, I wave my hands to splash it with water.
  5. Tell me what you want, I don’t get easily agitated .
  6. I wave my arms, but from the helicopter they can’t see me.
  7. When shampoo spills on me, I shake the water to create a lather.
  8. I do not worry if I shake , I get well quickly.
  9. I shake the bottle of antibiotic before giving it to the patient.
  10. When I get agitated , I feel like my heart wants to escape from my chest.

Examples of sentences with “ajito”

  1. If I put just one ajito , I don’t think the flavor feels that much.
  2. ajito is enough to season the whole preparation.
  3. It is advisable to put a ajito chopped into the sauce to make it tastier.
  4. Ajito and parsley in batters: that was my grandmother’s secret.
  5. If a ajito gives such a strong flavor, I don’t know what it would look like if I added more.
  6. The garlic that I added at the end of cooking was what made the difference.
  7. planted a ajito in a pot, but nothing grew.
  8. My grandfather always ate raw garlic in the morning.
  9. If we add garlic to the cooking water , all the food is impregnated with its flavor.
  10. The boy ate a small garlic by mistake and does not stop drinking water.
by Abdullah Sam
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