10 qualities of the icicle (which will make you love madly)

Protagonists of the summer more than lifeguard and pareo, the icicle is a super ally of the line, health and mood.

Moisturizing , invigorating , with very few calories (it even burns more because it lowers body temperature, raising the metabolism), the popsicle is a true elixir of long beauty.

And also the spirit makes it beneficial , since the bright colors work on our brain like a concentrate of chromotherapy!

Here are the 10 reasons why the ice lolly should become your best friend forever . Or if not really forever , at least throughout the summer.

Hydrates the skin

The icicle is ice water and, as such, deeply hydrates the tissues.

An ice lolly equates to a nice glass of water for our cells.

Fighting summer dehydration with fruit popsicles is the best because they quench and refresh simultaneously.

Photo by Goran Ivos on Unsplash

Tones the body

In addition to hydrating, ice tones.

An ice cube passed on the skin is an excellent beauty trick to compact the tissues, harden the skin, refresh it and close the unsightly pores.

Before eating it, pass the package still closed on the cheeks and neck. The result? Anti-wrinkle proof, highly firming.

Photo by Nick Torontali on Unsplash

It also tones the spirit

Even the spirit in general benefits from the icicle.

To combat boredom , stress and sadness from the weekend, a pair of frozen and colored bites are the perfect antidote, because it has the same beneficial effect as eating an ice cream, but without guilt for the diet.

Photo by Lindsay Moe on Unsplash

It has very few calories

In fact, among the most important requirements of the popsicle, there is also this: the calories are very few .

Despite the sweet taste, the quantity of sugar is so irrelevant that it makes this snack a perfect ally of the line.

Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash

It even makes you lose weight

Not only does the ice lolly not make you fat because the calories are low but even this summer elixir makes you lose weight !

Well yes: since it is a cold food that can lower the internal body temperature, the metabolism will undergo a surge to produce heat and bring the temperature back to the previous level.

Translated into the language we mean on the fly: it burns a lot of calories !

Photo by Jennifer Pallian on Unsplash

It is chromotherapy

Just like disco strobes or, better, lamps designed specifically to emit colored lights that affect our psyche, even the palette of cheerful shades that the art of icicle has is good for the brain .

chromotherapy effect will help lift the mood , giving a touch of cheerful color to the day.

Photo by Jennifer Pallian on Unsplash

It is good on Instagram and on Social

In addition to ourselves, our avatars will also benefit from the icicle. Posting one on Instagram will guarantee you an explosion of likes much more disruptive than the explosion of freshness experienced by your taste buds. Because, you know: in world 2.0 the palate to delight is that of the pupils .

Popsicle is aesthetically the most adorable pop accessory there is.

Photo by Maura Silva on Unsplash

Combined with the enamel it is the top

For an even more pop approved effect , combine the nuance of the ice lolly with that of nailing art.

Not only en pendant colors : even contrasting combinations are fine, the important thing is to show off with pride both the scratching nail and the scepter of pop power. A real magic wand that will color your outfit.

Photo by Joseph Gonzalez on Unsplash

Become a fashion accessory

And in fact the ice lolly is now in all respects a fashion accessory , capable of perfectly crowning a summer look.

Dripping glam from all pores, this tasty treat makes anyone who loves to be impeccable, from head to toe, tempting. And from sticky fingers to frozen lips.

Photo by Aron on Unsplash

Pamper us with a little sugar

Last but not least , the dose of sweetness that a small ice guarantees us is perfect for warming our hearts while it cools everything else.

Do not demonize sugar in its entirety: the little never chokes and some sweet notes must be given to our body to ensure a symphony of good humor.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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