Nutritionists recommend eating 5 pieces of fruit a day and that it is winter is no excuse for not doing it, as this season provides us with many types of seasonal fruit that are delicious. Do you want to know what winter fruits are ? Well, today we present them to you.

Citrus fruits, the seasonal fruits par excellence

If there is a family of winter fruit, it is, without a doubt, citrus. Although you can have oranges throughout the year, the truth is that it is now when this fruit is sweeter and has more juice. That is why it is during winter when its consumption is most recommended. But not only the orange. Grapefruit, mandarin or even lemon, it is advisable to consume them on these dates. The reason is that all these winter fruits are rich in vitamin C, to a greater or lesser extent, which will help you keep the colds and flu so typical of this season at bay.

And, furthermore, given their versatility, you can take them raw or in juice, with smoothies, teas….

Let’s remember what citrus fruits are and their main benefits.


In addition to the vitamin C that we have mentioned before, oranges provide fiber, so they are very digestive; and flavonoids that also help keep the immune system strong.

This fruit is also rich in thiamine and folic acid, two essential vitamins to keep the nervous system balanced.


We have to thank the mandarin for its important contribution of potassium, a mineral necessary for the generation and transmission of nerve impulses, as well as promoting muscle activity and promoting cellular hydration. It also provides calcium and magnesium  and, to a lesser extent, iron and zinc and phosphorus.


Studies show that eating a grapefruit a day helps lower cholesterol levels by more than 15%. In addition, it prevents constipation and helps combat fluid retention. Therefore, we can consider grapefruit an ally to lose weight, as it also accelerates the metabolism.


Lemons help to alkalize the body, helping to restore the body’s pH. In addition, they also stimulate the liver and promote the elimination of toxins. In fact, one of the most effective remedies to detoxify the body is to drink the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon every morning on an empty stomach .

Other winter fruits

But not only on citrus does man live in winter. There are many other fruits that have their ideal time of consumption in winter. They are:


The most representative nutrients in banana are potassium, which as we have already said is necessary for muscle activity; magnesium, which activates the functioning of the intestine and is also part of the bones and teeth. And, in addition, the banana is also rich in folic acid, which is directly involved in the production of red and white blood cells and helps to strengthen the immune system.


The kiwi thins the blood, improving the condition of the arteries and prevents blood clots and thrombi in blood vessels. Thanks to its high content of vitamin C, kiwi helps control nerves and anxiety. In addition, we are facing a fruit with a very high percentage of fiber, which makes it an excellent digestive that improves intestinal transit.


This winter-typical tropical fruit is also a great way to aid digestion thanks to its bromelain enzyme. It also has anticoagulant properties and helps strengthen the immune system. In addition, pineapple is satiating, as it contains a lot of water, so it is perfect for all those who are following a weight loss diet.

Custard apple

This winter fruit is easy to digest, so it is highly recommended for those who are convalescing, the elderly, pregnant women, and children. Being low in fat and having a fiber with a very beneficial intestinal effect, it reduces cholesterol levels. In addition, custard apple regulates the level of glucose in the blood, which makes it a particularly beneficial food for people with diabetes.

One of the best times to enjoy winter fruit is between meals , therefore, here we leave you delicious healthy snacks where fruits are combined with other foods that are also highly recommended for health and well-being. Are you going to miss it?


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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