In the middle of winter, it is very normal to suffer from the flu and colds and with them, we can even lose our voice. However, there are many and varied natural resources that will allow you to speak in a few days. Discover the best tricks on how to take care of your voice correctly.

Tips to take care of your voice when you don’t have it

Hydrate a lot

If you have discomfort in the voice or have discomfort in the throat you should not let it dry out and for this there is nothing better than drinking plenty of water. Of course, no cold or ice water. The most advisable thing is that it be from time


Another way to hydrate the throat is by drinking tea with honey and lemon .

Go gargle

Do not be offended, but if you have voice problems it is best to gargle with salt water. You will see how it helps you remove mucus from your throat.

Rest your voice

If you are hoarse, it is best not to force your voice. Let her rest so she can recover.

No smoking

If you smoke, know that tobacco is one of the factors that most irritates the throat. Therefore, during the time you are voiceless, try to avoid smoking. And if you do, why don’t you consider quitting for good? Your health will win.

Do not speak in noisy environments

You should not talk about loud ambient noise, as it is vocal abuse behavior. If the voice competes with intense ambient noise, the voice will always lose.

Tips to not lose your voice

And now that you have recovered your voice, it is best to take note of the following tips to take care of your voice in the future.

  • Do not yell or talk screaming because the only thing you will do is irritate the vocal cords and lose your voice. You must adapt your voice to your tone.
  • In order not to force your voice, it is also important that you do not talk too much in very noisy or very dry places. If you want to have a conversation, it is best to leave so you can talk quietly and without screaming.
  • If you notice that your voice is unclear, do not clear your throat, because the only thing you will do is force your vocal cords even more. In this case, and as we have told you before, it is best to keep quiet for a few days
  • Medical control: However, it never hurts to have a periodic check on the state of health of the larynx and vocal cords, especially if you have a profession where the voice is your work tool, such as teachers, singers or speakers .
  • And of course, in the event that you are hoarse with relative frequency or even after having followed the advice to take care of the voice and they do not give good results, do not hesitate to go to the ENT doctor, as he will assess the tests and the most correct treatment so that the recover.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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