What is “Wipe” in Rust?

Here we explain what the term wipe means in Rust, what types of wipe exist in the survival game and how often they are done.


  1. What is “Wipe” in Rust?
  2. Types of wipe in Rust
  3. Why is wipe done in Rust?
  4. When is wipe done?

There are many terms and words within the Rust gaming community that refer to specific parts of the game, one of which is called “Wipe” . In this entry of our complete guide we explain what this word means applied to the video game so that you know what it implies.

What is “Wipe” in Rust?


Wipe is an English word that literally means “clean . ” In computing areas it is often used to refer to deletions or cleaning of partitions, for example. In the case of Rust, wipe or wipear means when cleaning a server .

This is summarized in that when a Rust server wipe, aspects such as map changes or player progress are usually erased . Although there are different wipes. As a general rule, all Rust servers do wipe eventually , either because the server administrator proceeds to do so or because Facepunch Studios, the creators of the title, carry out the action necessarily.

Types of wipe in Rust

You could say that there are three different types of wipe in Rust:

  • Map Wipe:the server deletes or destroys all the entity information that has accumulated on the map. That is, the objects and structures created by players are deleted and the map is restored, starting from scratch (you can change its geography if the server seed is also changed).
  • Plans Wipe:all the progress of plans unlocked and obtained by the players is erased, so that they start over as if it were a new game.
  • Serverwipe : a complete cleaning of the server is done, including the map and the players’ plans.

Why is wipe done in Rust?

The wipe is carried out for reasons of stability in the game, and to maintain a balance as balanced as possible ; A new player who enters a server that has been active for a long time is obviously going to be at a disadvantage compared to players who have already advanced a lot or created alliances and clans.

Above all, the wipe is done so that the servers are stable . Map cleanings end up being mandatory at some point as the number of objects and structures that can be housed is not infinite, and that could lead to serious gameplay problems in the long run.

When is wipe done?

  • In general the wipe takes place regularlyin Rust and quite frequently.
  • Most of the time it is the creator of the server himself who decides when to do it.
  • Many servers clean every two weeks or on a monthly basis.
  • Other servers are also called “permanent”and only wipe when there is a forced update from Facepunch Studios.

Before entering a game, it is advisable to know the time that has passed on a server since your last wipe to know how advanced your players’ progress will be. It is not recommended to enter a server for the first time that has not wipeed for a long time or will do so soon.

Finally, it’s worth mentioning that some servers have large supply drops on Cleanup Day to encourage players to raid each other.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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