9 Types of Mental Disorders That A Person May Experience

This article provides an explanation of the 9 most common types of mental disorders that a person may experience

On the commemoration of Mental Health Day, how many people in Indonesia do you think are facing mental health problems? According to the Ministry of Health as reported by beritagar.id, there was a significant increase in the proportion of mental disorders from 2013 to 2018. At Riskesdas 2013 the figure was 1.7 percent, while in 2018 it rose to 7 percent.

The most vulnerable age group to suffer from depression is the age of 75 years and over. As many as 8.9 percent of the total population aged that suffer from depression. Among young people aged 15 to 24 years are also among the most affected by depression. Some 6.2 percent of young millennials are depressed .

Also read: Don’t Match, These 5 Differences between Psychologist and Psychiatrist

This mental health problem has indeed become an increasingly crowded issue discussed in recent years. The Joker film currently showing in theaters also brings the topic of mental illness into the story. Actually, what kinds of mental disorders can a person experience? C’mon, pay attention.

  1. Anxiety DisorderAnxiety Disorder )

Anxiety Disorder (Source: verywellmind.com)

Someone with this problem experiences anxiety disorders when responding to an object or situation. Usually sufferers will experience intense fear accompanied by changes in physical signs, such as an increasingly rapid heartbeat, sweating, feeling dizzy, and difficulty concentrating or sleeping.

Anxiety when in a public place, panic and phobia about something, also included in anxiety disorders . People with this problem live with feelings of anxiety, fear, and excessive worry.

  1. Mood DisorderMood Disorder )

Mood Disorder (Source: powerofpositivity.com)

This disorder is also called affective disorder which makes the sufferer feel continuous sadness or excessive feeling of being too happy. Emotional displacement or fluctuations from feelings of happiness to extreme sadness also include this disorder, which we are familiar with Bipolar Disorder . Some other examples of disorders such as long-term depression, seasonal affective disorders, mood swings and irritability that occur during the premenstrual phase, and depression due to physical illness.

  1. Psychotic Disorders ( Psychotic Disorder)

Schizophrenia (Source: doktersehat.com)

Psychotic disorders including severe mental disorders that cause abnormal thoughts and perceptions, such as schizophrenia. The most common symptoms of this disorder are hallucinations (hearing, seeing, or feeling something that does not exist), and delusions (believing things that actually didn’t happen).

  1. Eating Disorders ( Eating Disorder)

Eating disorder (Source: thestar.com)

Eating disorder is a serious and often fatal disease due to severe disruption in a person’s eating behavior. The most common disorders are anorexia (consider yourself overweight when not), bulimia nervosa (eating large amounts which are then forcibly removed such as vomiting), and binge-eating (overeating and difficult to stop).

  1. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder(OCD)

OCD (Source: weincluded.com)

A person with OCD disorder always has a constant thought or obsession with something, thus encouraging him to do the same thing over and over again. One example is people who are afraid of germs or dust that makes them continuously wash their hands or other body parts.

  1. Impulse Control and Addition Disorder(ICAD) disorders

Kleptomania (Source: grid.id)

People with ICAD disorders cannot resist the urge to take actions that could endanger themselves or others. Some examples of these disorders include Pyromania (igniting a fire to cause a fire) and Kleptomania (stealing). These sufferers are also usually addicted to alcohol and drugs, or addicted to certain activities such as sex or shopping.

  1. Personality Disorder ( Personality Disorder)

Borderline personality disorder (Source: psychcentral.com)

Personality disorder  is a disorder of one’s personality and makes him have a mindset, feeling, or behavior that is very different from most people. Types of personality disorders include borderline personality disorder , which are intense mood swings, fear of being abandoned, impulsive and unstable behavior.

Other disorders are antisocial personality disorders that make it such as ignoring the feelings or needs of others, manipulating others for their own interests, not feeling guilty for bad actions committed, and so on.

  1. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorderor PTSD

PTSD (Source: military.com)

PTSD can occur in someone who has experienced a traumatic or terrible event, such as physical and sexual abuse, an unexpected death from a loved one, or natural disasters. These unpleasant memories cannot be lost and make PTSD sufferers tend to be emotionally numb.

  1. dissociative disorders ( Dissociative Disorder)

Multiple personalities (Source: merdeka.com)

These disorders are severe psychiatric disorders or changes in memory, awareness, and general identity about themselves and the sufferer’s environment. Dissociative disorders are usually associated with extraordinary stress caused by traumatic events experienced or witnessed by sufferers. Examples such as multiple personality disorder.


by Abdullah Sam
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