5 Menstrual Disorders, Can It Interfere with Fertility?

The menstrual cycle is closely related to female fertility. During this cycle, a woman’s body grows a new lining of the uterus (endometrium) to prepare the uterus for a fertile pregnancy.


That’s why menstrual disorders that make the menstrual cycle abnormal are often a source of concern because of discomfort and are considered to be a cause of infertility .


Can women still get pregnant if they experience menstrual disorders? The answer: yes, but the chance can decrease significantly. For this reason, Genbest who has menstrual disorders and wants to get pregnant soon can consult this condition with a doctor.


The normal menstrual cycle  itself occurs  every 21-35 days with a duration of 4-7 days. In a normal cycle, the average woman will lose about 30-40 ml of blood. Beyond that,  it can be included in the category of menstrual disorders,  as below:


  1. Dysmenorrhea

The first menstrual disorder is dysmenorrhea or stomach cramps during menstruation. This disorder is usually accompanied by symptoms of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headaches, weakness, bloating, and no energy.


Generally, this disorder appears on the first and second day of menstruation. Dysmenorrhea can occur due to high levels of the hormone prostaglandin during menstruation. This type of menstrual pain will usually begin to decrease with age or after giving birth.


Also read  : Irregular Menstrual Cycles Affect Mother’s Fertility?


  1. Amenorrhea

The next menstrual disorder is amenorrhoea or not having menstruation. Amenorrhea is divided into two: primary and secondary amenorrhea.


Primary amenorrhea is the condition of women who have not had menstruation for up to 16 years. Meanwhile, secondary amenorrhea is the condition of a fertile woman who has menstruated and is not pregnant, but has stopped menstruating for 3 months or more.


Irregular menstrual cycles due to amenorrhea have the risk of causing complications related to infertility or fertility problems because ovulation does not occur which causes a woman to be infertile.


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  1. Menorrhagia

Next is menorrhagia or excessive or excessive menstrual bleeding. So many can hamper daily activities because sufferers have to change pads every hour.


Menorrhagia menstrual disorders are prone to complications, such as anemia due to heavy menstrual bleeding. In the long term, unresolved anemia can carry over to pregnant sufferers and increase the risk of stunting in babies who are born.


  1. Oligomenorrhea

Menstrual disorders that women are prone to next are oligomenorrhea or infrequent menstruation. This condition is characterized by menstrual cycles that last more than 35-90 days or menstruate less than 8-9 times a year.


In order for the menstrual cycle to return to normal, sufferers of this disorder are advised to consult a doctor so that it does not affect fertility.


  1. Polymenorrhoea

Polimenorea is the menstrual cycle that is too short; less than 21 days. This menstrual problem can affect fertility because polymenorrhea sufferers have difficulty knowing the fertile period to plan a pregnancy.