5 Tips for Maintaining Newborn Health

Coming home from the hospital after giving birth, GenBest’s real job as a new mother begins. If at the hospital the medical team is still assisting, at Genbest’s house you need to do everything yourself. The thing that might be a concern as well as a worry at home is the matter of maintaining the health of your little one.

This makes sense because a baby’s immune system doesn’t mature until around 2 to 3 months of age. So do newborns have no immunity at all? No, neither, really, GenBets. According to experts, in newborns, the mother’s immune system continues to protect it with antibodies that are distributed through the placenta immediately after birth. The antibodies remain active during the first few weeks of a baby’s life. It offers protection from bacteria and viruses.

Breastfeeding also boosts this initial immunity. That’s why mothers are always advised to give breast milk,

  1. Wash hands with soap before and after touching the baby

One of the easiest ways to maintain the health of newborns is to regularly wash your hands with soap before and after touching your baby. As previously mentioned, newborn babies do not have a strong immune system, so if someone forgets to wash their hands it can increase the baby’s risk of developing various diseases from germs, bacteria, to viruses.


Also Read :This is the result if you are lazy to wash your hands with soap


  1. Give exclusive breastfeeding

Breast milk contains many important nutrients that babies need, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and vitamins and minerals. Breast milk is also easily absorbed by the baby’s digestive tract. All of this makes ASI very good for supporting optimal growth and development of babies and preventing stunting. Newborns need to be fed every 2 to 3 hours, meaning GenBest needs to nurse 8-12 times in 24 hours.


Also Read :Various Benefits of This Breast Milk Can Be Enjoyed By Babies


  1. Keep the umbilical cord dry

One important aspect of newborn care in the first month is care for the umbilical cord so that it doesn’t get infected. For that, the umbilical cord area must be kept clean and dry. When putting on the diaper, make sure that the diaper does not cover the umbilical cord that has not been dislodged.


To clean, use a washcloth dipped in warm water, then dry with a soft towel. Be on the lookout for signs of infection in the umbilical cord area, namely redness, swelling, smelly or purulent discharge, and bleeding in the navel area. If there are these signs, take the baby to the doctor.


  1. Don’t forget the baby’s first control schedule

Another tip for maintaining the health of newborns is not to forget the baby’s first check-up. The first examination is important to monitor the health condition of your little one, including to see whether there are any problems or disturbances in growth and development.

Here the baby will be observed, from the height, weight, and head circumference to be adjusted to the growth chart curve that is inKMS card. Your little one will also be given the first immunizations, such as BCG, Polio, and Hepatitis B.


Also Read:Monitoring Children’s Growth and Development Easier Through the Application “Healthy Children”


  1. Do not rock the baby too hard

GenBest ever heard of Shaken Baby Syndrome? This is a serious brain injury caused by violently shaking a baby.


This syndrome usually occurs accidentally, when someone shakes the baby/toddler too hard because the baby won’t stop crying. Newborns have weak neck muscles and often have difficulty supporting their heads. When a baby is shaken violently, its head moves uncontrollably. Violent movements can send a baby’s brain against the inside of the skull, causing bruising, swelling, and bleeding.