12 types of aptitudes of a person

All people have abilities. To determine which ones are yours, you just have to do an analysis of the things you have learned throughout your life and which ones are easiest for you. While it may be difficult to categorize this list, below I share some categories that will make it easier for you.

1. Social skills 

Social skills are reflected in your human interaction skills . These denote that you are a person with great skill in interacting with different people in various areas. You like to socialize and converse openly, as well as establish bonds easily. These are qualities that many recruiters look for in their employees.

2. Communication skills 

These refer to your communication skills , which take into account your charisma and the ease you have to communicate efficiently. They are enriched by different aspects such as assertiveness, eye contact, active listening, empathy and humor . People who possess them can speak in public, lead teams, or better communicate an offer or product to customers.

3. Persuasive skills 

These types of skills refer to the ease of convincing people about something or arguing successfully about various topics or situations. It is important that you do not confuse them with the bad action of manipulating others. In the professional field, it is useful to write an impactful article or to persuade a person to take some action or raise awareness about society.

4. Organizational skills 

With them, people manage to organize their time and the projects they have in process very well . It is a great quality, as it provides control in their lives and over the things that happen in their environment. For this reason, it is highly valued in planning, administration and management positions .

5. Verbal skills 

They are often confused with communication skills, but these describe people who have a very vast language, a great culture, a rich vocabulary and are informed about history and current events. In addition, these types of people have great ease at understanding and writing texts , extracting relevant information, analyzing news and presenting solid arguments.

6. Numerical skills

These types of skills allow a person to excel in areas related to  mathematics and logic , since they have great ease in solving operations and understanding processes, measurements, statistics, percentages, patterns and endless issues related to numbers.

7. Musical skills 

People who are distinguished by these traits enjoy music more deeply or create musical pieces or productions with ease. Thanks to their passion, they usually recognize instruments, tones, notes, musical styles. This, complemented by studies of musical language, results in skills to play different instruments, compose works or musical arrangements. 

8. Sports skills

Surely you have ever met someone who can do any sporting activity. This means that you have control of your body, strength, flexibility, endurance , as well as the discipline to excel in one or more sports. Furthermore, this usually comes along with good mental skills and a lot of competitiveness.

9. Physical abilities 

Physically able people may not have the strength or flexibility to be a member of a sports team, but they do have the sensitivity and precision to perform tasks that require good body control . These are necessary for those who have to perform repetitive, constant actions or who work with precision systems . Such is the case of surgeons, watchmakers or engineers.

10. Logical skills

They are those that allow someone to think with a critical, coherent and analytical sense . Thanks to them, you can search for solutions to complex problems , which is ideal for mathematical, engineering or programming tasks. In addition, they are excellent for applying methodologies consistently and for planning .

11. Leadership skills

You have surely met a person who stands out for being a born leader . Typically, we say this about people who have good skills in coordinating teams, delegating tasks and responsibilities, as well as leading everyone towards the same direction . These are basic to organizing any successful event or project and are common to see in CEOs, managers and entrepreneurs.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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