Why Can We Be Trapped by Hoax News?

This article discusses why we can get caught up in hoax news and how hoax news spreads

“The liar ran first when the fact was still preparing himself to run.” Friends on ngerti not at this saying? For those of you who like to play on social media, you often hear the word hoax, right? Well, what is meant by the saying earlier “The liar” is a hoax.

Hoax or false information is false information and does not match the facts. Hoaxes have a source that does not clear, and not accountable is true or not. This false information also spread among the wider community.

Source aja already not clearly so , then why hoaxes still scattered huh? Actually, the hoax is spread with two kinds of patterns until finally it can be accepted by the public. What is that? Come on , listen!

Circular reporting is hoax news that spreads around in circles. For example, media A prints a story that contains hoaxes, then media B also prints the same news as A. When media A is asked about the truth of the “hoax” news, media A points to media B as the source of hoax news. -his. So, blunder , right ? That’s why it’s called spinning news. Because when asked to be held accountable for the news that was spread, the media involved actually printed each other the same news and pointed out who their sources were. Hadeuh

Source: newsweek.com

An example of a circular reporting that was viral was when the magazine from the United States Rolling Stone printed a 2014 story about the violence that occurred at the University of Virginia. Rolling Stone wrote that the violence was carried out by a former dean of the university. Journalists from other media to investigate the case further and instead found that the results do not sync. Eventually the case was brought to court on defamation charges. The jury also said that the writer, Sabrina Rubin Erdely, had committed “a real crime, reporting something that ignored whether or not it was true.”

Another form of circular reporting is that the source is there, but the source is indeed a hoax. So, the media and other information platforms have printed and disseminated the hoax news. But when asked whether or not the news was correct , the source still mentioned false information. Hmmm, so this source is lying huh? Yep , that’s right!

If this pattern is when the hoax is spread through the user generated platform . User generated platform  means user-generated content. The platform in question is the means by which hoaxes are deployed. So, the spread hoax comes from people who use the platform itself, for example like Wikipedia. Huh, Wikipedia ?!  Yes, you did n’t expect it ? So far, people who search for fast and accurate information always rely on Wikipedia, even though it’s not necessarily true . Because Wikipedia has a feature where users can edit the information contained there. Besides Wikipedia, the platformothers can also be hoaxes such as Twitter, Facebook, and Whatsapp. Duh , it means that everything is not nothing safe dong ? Therefore, as netizens, we must also be smart in sorting out available information.

Well, you know now how the hoax process is spread. Then, why does the hoax still spread? It’s so inconsequential , it’s detrimental again. Before dumel , there are several reasons you should know about why hoaxes can still spread.

First, because we have a high level of curiosity, and because of that, we just accept the information without checking whether it ‘s correct or not . Well , here hoax not only exploit nature for police man, but also the emotional condition. Psychologically, people will tend to trust the hoax more if the hoax is almost or even the same as our opinion of something. For example, we do n’t like the product for X. Then, when there is a hoax that discredit the X, we just trust because we do n’t like the product X. This is called confirmation bias.

Secondly, another factor is that the era is truly digital. Now able to browse on mobile phone on our own if you want to find info, easy for me right tuh . As it turns out, this convenience for us is also easy for the makers and disseminators of “hoaxes” to infiltrate true and valid information.

Third, there is now a social media platform that makes everything spread quickly. Now if you see the news, you will automatically click the like or share button . We like or share as human beings when there is bad news usually feel they have a moral responsibility to share, do not care about the bad news hoax or fact. So there’s a “power of the thumb”, because only the pressed button like and share use aliases thumb thumb all already widespread. Also, keep in mind that in this digital age, we are notjust exchanging information between friendship again loh , but already interstate.

Fourth, hoaxes are designed so that people are trusted. So, hoaxes are designed very carefully so they can be trusted and pass through human analytical logic. Hoax created with the intention really like so ya , very clever people can still be fooled though. So, never lazy to double- check any information we receive yes !

Duh , hoaxes really hurt ya . But in fact, there are some people who benefit from this loss. Examples such as the black campaign or black campaign, which was carried out during the United States presidential election in 2016. At that time the United States and the world was very much in shock with Donald Trump who ran for president. Some parties spread hoaxes for their own interests. The hoaxes that are spread are also various, ranging from hoaxes that spread the goodness of Donald Trump to his ugliness. At that time the hoax that had been widely discussed was that the Pope Francis (archbishop) supported Donald Trump to become the next president of the United States, when in fact it was not right.

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So, now how can we avoid hoaxes? Initially, hoaxes were left alone, but fortunately now the government is starting to respond to hoaxes as a serious matter. If it’s really bad, there will be an obligation from the government to dismantle this hoax in the public interest. In Indonesia, there is already an official government body whose job is to manage and withstand the spread of hoaxes, namely the State Intelligence Agency and the Ministry of Communication and Information.

Not only the efforts of the government, but also the efforts of stakeholders in the field of social media. Examples such as Facebook, which began to realize to improve themselves since 2015. First, Facebook changed its news feed algorithm specifically to stem the hoax. Then, Facebook also prohibits clickbait that is perched on its news feed . And finally Facebook banned ads that smelled of negative content.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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