Where to study Sociology in Spain?

Below is a list of Spanish universities where you can study Sociology. The list has been prepared from the table published in the  White Book  (2005) of the Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Administration, Sociology, and Management and Public Administration , prepared by  ANECA  (National Agency for the Evaluation of Quality and Accreditation) for the design of undergraduate studies, and where the universities participating in the RED were collected for the school years between the 1999-2000 and 2004-2005 academic years. In addition, since they were not contemplated in the white paper, other Spanish universities where the Degree in Sociology is taught have been included. 1

Most of the Spanish Faculties where the Bachelor’s degree in Sociology is taught usually have their own website. Direct links to Sociology studies for each university are attached. In addition, the visitor can always find the links to the faculties where the Degree in Sociology and other studies related to the social sciences are taught in the icon  Faculties of Sociology and Social Sciences  located in the Sociology on the Net directory , or on the right side of this web.

Spanish universities where you can study Sociology

  • University of Alicante (UA)–  Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences (Sociology Degree)
  • University of La Coruña (UDC)– Faculty of Sociology
  • Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)– Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology
  • University of Barcelona (UB)–  Faculty of Economics and Business (Sociology Degree)
  • Carlos III University of Madrid (UCIIIM)–  Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences (Sociology Degree)
  • Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) –  Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology
  • Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC) 2 –  Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences (Sociology Degree)
  • University of Granada (UG)–   Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology
  • Universidad La Laguna (ULL)–  Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology
  • National University of Distance Education (UNED)–  Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology
  • Pablo de Olavide University – Seville (UPO)–   Faculty of Social Sciences (Sociology Degree)
  • University of the Basque Country (UPV)– Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication (Sociology Degree)
  • Public University of Navarra (UPNA)–  Faculty of Human and Social Sciences (Sociology Degree)
  • University of Salamanca (US)–  Faculty of Social Sciences (Sociology Degree)
  • University of Valencia (UV)– Faculty of Social Sciences (Sociology Degree)


Universities that have recently stopped teaching Sociology studies 3

  • Universidad Deusto (UD) 4–  Faculty of Social and Human Sciences
  • Pontifical University of Salamanca (UPSA) 5– Faculty of Human and Social Sciences
  • Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir (UCV)– Faculty of Philosophy, Anthropology and Social Work.
  • University of Murcia (UM)– Faculty of Economics and Business.


by Abdullah Sam
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