Special education

Special education. It is the identification, evaluation and special programs for children whose learning difficulties or disadvantages require additional help to achieve full educational development. Aid to meet special educational needs can be provided in integrated schools or in special schools.


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  • Historical Background
  • 2 Chores after the Revolutionary Triumph
    • 1 Main actions taken
  • 3 Chores after 1980
  • 4 Network of Special Schools in Cuba
  • 5 Elements that distinguish Special Education in Cuba
  • 6 People with Special Educational Needs
  • 7 External links
  • 8 Source

Historical background

Before the triumph of the Revolution, Special Education in Cuba was practically non-existent. Approximately 14 institutions existed to provide care to 134 children with intellectual, hearing, visual impairments, and language disorders.

Most of these institutions were privately maintained or financed by patronages. There was no uniformity of theoretical and methodological criteria in relation to Special Education, but each center was governed by personal pedagogical criteria of those who ran it. In the 1950s , the first psycho-pedagogical clinic was created in Santiago de Cuba by the Superintendency of Education in order to carry out the evaluation, diagnosis and recommendations of minors with severe learning deficiencies.

What to do after the Revolutionary Triumph

It is only from 1959 that the organized, massive and systematic care of children who needed Special Education services began in Cuba, brought about by the profound changes that took place in the structures and socioeconomic relations of the country, fundamentally in the education of all Cuban children, including those who needed this education.

Main actions taken

  • The pertinent work began then for the creation of a Special Education system with the purpose of providing an adequate and progressive solution to children with physical and mental deficiencies.
  • The first special schools were created and the capacities increased compared to those existing at the time of the Revolution.
  • The Department of Differentiated Education was created in January 1962, which, among its essential tasks, had the rescue of the few means that the existing institutions possessed.
  • Training of specialized personnel and training of leading cadres begins.
  • Plans and study programs are developed
  • The organization of the schools of parents began for the due orientation to these.
  • Diagnosis and Orientation Centers were created with the purpose of evaluating and subsequently locating the minors who supposedly required the services of Special Education.
  • In 1967 the name of the department changes and it opts for the name of Specialized Education, the School of Defectology is created and with it the selection and training of Master Therapists to work in special schools.
  • The decade of the 70s brought important changes. The Directorate of Special Education was created and there was a notable increase in educational plans, as well as new projects for the organization and content of teaching.

Special Education: Addressing the Needs of Every Child


In today’s diverse and inclusive educational landscape, special education plays a vital role in ensuring that every child receives the support they need to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. This specialized approach to education is designed for students with diverse learning needs, enabling them to overcome challenges and reach their full potential. In this article, we will explore the importance of special education, the benefits it offers, and the impact it has on students’ lives.

What is Special Education?

Special education refers to the tailored instruction, support, and services provided to students with disabilities or exceptional learning needs. This comprehensive approach acknowledges that not all children learn in the same way and recognizes the unique challenges that some students may face. By offering personalized support, special education ensures that students with disabilities can access educational opportunities and succeed alongside their peers.

Benefits of Special Education

Special education offers numerous benefits for students, their families, and society as a whole. Here are just a few:

1. Individualized Instruction

One of the key advantages of special education is its focus on individualized instruction. By understanding a student’s unique needs and learning style, educators can develop personalized strategies and interventions that optimize learning outcomes. This tailored approach allows students to grasp complex concepts, develop crucial skills, and progress at their own pace.

2. Enhanced Academic Achievement

Special education programs are designed to address both the academic and social-emotional needs of students. By providing specialized instruction and support, these programs can bridge learning gaps, facilitate skill development, and improve academic achievement. With the right tools and resources, students can overcome obstacles and thrive academically.

3. Inclusion and Socialization

Special education promotes inclusivity by ensuring that students with disabilities have equal access to education and are integrated into mainstream classrooms whenever possible. Inclusive environments foster a sense of belonging and promote socialization, allowing students to build meaningful relationships and develop essential social skills.

4. Self-Advocacy and Independence

Special education empowers students to become self-advocates, equipping them with the skills and confidence to express their needs and advocate for their rights. By developing self-advocacy skills, students gain a sense of independence and agency, which are crucial for their personal growth and future success.

5. Long-Term Benefits

Investing in special education yields long-term benefits for both individuals and society. By providing the necessary support and resources during the formative years, students with disabilities can develop the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed for higher education, employment, and independent living. This, in turn, leads to greater societal inclusion, reduced reliance on social services, and increased economic productivity.

The Role of Special Educators

Special education would not be possible without the dedicated efforts of special educators. These professionals possess a deep understanding of diverse learning needs and employ evidence-based strategies to support their students. They collaborate closely with families, general education teachers, and specialized service providers to create cohesive and comprehensive educational plans. Special educators also play a critical role in advocating for their students, ensuring that their unique needs are met, and providing ongoing support to facilitate their academic and personal growth.


Special education is an essential component of an inclusive and equitable education system. By providing individualized instruction, personalized support, and a conducive learning environment, this specialized approach enables students with disabilities to flourish academically, socially, and emotionally. Through the dedicated efforts of special educators and a commitment to inclusivity, we can ensure that every child receives the education they deserve, empowering them to achieve their dreams and contribute meaningfully to society.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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