Scientific Research Methodology

Scientific Research Methodology . It is called the science that is responsible for teaching how to direct a certain process efficiently and effectively, to successfully achieve the desired results. The methodology gives the researcher the strategy to follow in the process, using in a systematic and rigorous way, special methods and means of knowledge that allow obtaining reliable empirical data, as well as a deep and accurate reflection of the essential regularities of reality.

Scientific research differs from spontaneous empirical knowledge and speculative reasoning. These present great limitations that do not allow them to fulfill the objectives and functions of science.


The methodology is the description and analysis of the methods. The research methodology therefore refers to the study of research methods. The researcher Rafael Bisquerra defines it this way [1] :

The methodology is the analytical and critical study of research and test methods, which includes the description, analysis and critical assessment of research methods. The methodology is more interested in the research process than the results.

Several Cuban researchers and pedagogues point out that scientific research pursues the fundamental objective of going beyond the phenomenal and superficial aspects of reality and explaining its regularities and essential properties by reflecting them in theoretical, conceptual systems that meet certain logical and methodological requirements, such as [ 2] :

  1. The main concepts and laws of the theory must have logical relationships and dependencies between them, so that they integrate a coherent conceptual system.
  2. The theoretical system must be, in principle, empirically unified, based on the results provided by empirical research methods and social practice.


by Abdullah Sam
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