Quantum Learning Model

Acknowledge Every Effort. Learning carries risks. Learning means stepping out of comfort.

When students have taken this step, they deserve recognition for their competence and confidence.

The Principle of Acknowledge Every Effort has the consequence that in learning, the teacher must acknowledge every student’s effort, whether the effort is right or not.

It should be understood that in quantum learning there is no term “fail”.

There are only results and feedback. Every result is an achievement, and each will be a feedback for the achievement of the exact results as intended.

If it’s worth studying, then it’s worth celebrating. The celebration is a breakfast for the champion students. Celebrations provide feedback on progress and increase positive emotional association with learning.

Having a celebration for students will encourage them to strengthen their sense of responsibility and initiate their own learning process.

The celebration will also teach students about true motivation without “incentives”.

Students will look forward to learning activities, so that their education is more than just achieving certain grades.

In the learning process, teachers and students need to celebrate learning successes frequently, and link learning with celebration.

Forms of celebration, for example: applause, three hooray times, finger snap, surprise, and so on.

Learning model

The Quantum Learning Model takes the same form as a symphony, which divides the elements that make up the symphony into two categories, namely: context and content.

Context is a condition that is prepared for the implementation of quality learning based on a quantum learning framework.

Preparation for this condition includes orchestration: an exciting atmosphere, a solid foundation, a supportive environment, and a dynamic teaching design.

The content is the presentation of subject matter that applies a quantum learning framework, which was developed with the concept: EEL Dr. C (Enroll, Experience, Label, Demontrate, Review, and Celebrate).

In Indonesian, EEL Dr. C is translated by Ary Nilandary as TANDUR (Grow, Experience, Name, Demonstrate, Repeat, and Celebrate).

Broadly speaking, learning using the quantum model shows the following characteristics:

  1. the use of music for specific purposes;
  2. use of suggestive icons that arouse students’ enthusiasm for learning;
  3. the use of “intelligence stations” to make it easier for students to learn according to their intelligence modalities;
  4. superior language use;
  5. mutually empowering learning atmosphere;
  6. and excellent presentation of subject matter.

The presentation of the subject matter consists of six steps in the order:

  1. growth of student interest,
  2. giving direct experience to students before serving,
  3. delivery of material with multimetode and multimedia,
  4. a demonstration by students,
  5. repetition by students to show they really know, and
  6. reward for every effort in the form of praise, encouragement, or clapping.
by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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