Five Mistakes Teachers Should Avoid in Teaching


Mistake # 3. Ineffective Communication. Examples of ineffective communication (teacher wants to remind students to do homework that is given):

“Children, watch out, don’t forget your homework. You do everything. If you don’t do your homework, you won’t get a grade from the teacher tomorrow. “

Why not just say it like this, “Boys, remember, do your homework. All! Tomorrow, you will score. “

Isn’t the second language more efficient, and therefore more effective.

So when we mean to ask for something, just say exactly what we mean.

If a child is told to be quiet, say, “Children, shut up!” If children are asked to pay attention to the teacher’s explanation, yes, just say, “Kids, look at this!” etc.

Mistake # 4. Teaching Without Preparation. Talking about teaching preparation, I remembered a friend who said this, “Want to be successful in teaching, prepare carefully!”

Teaching preparation is like a scenario in a film. There can be no good, good-to-watch film without a good scenario. Likewise, no learning will be successful without proper preparation.

Most teachers (reportedly) are reluctant to prepare properly. As a result, learning in class takes place as if without direction. In fact, the teacher is a professional.

One of the professional characteristics of a teacher is to formulate a lesson plan correctly.

I believe you will correct your mistakes in teaching (if yesterday you did not make the right preparations), so that the student learning outcomes really cheer up all components (related to your learning).

Mistake # 5. Not Conducting a Thorough Evaluation. Learning evaluation must be carried out thoroughly.

If you have ever written a thesis on quantitative research, you must remember that the instruments you use must be tested for validity and reliability.

The learning evaluation instrument must also be tested for validity and reliability. Evaluation instruments must be valid and reliable.

But for this discussion, we will not be as detailed when compiling the thesis.

The overarching meaning here is that the preparation of learning evaluation questions must at least include forms such as: multiple choice, content, short answers.

Not just multiple choice, or just stuffing. The material includes all the material taught (at least one basic competency).

Again, the above opinion is based solely on the author’s personal experience. Of course there are many other teacher mistakes, which can result in student failure in learning.

You can also take an inventory of the mistakes you made in teaching or the mistakes of your peers.

Key words: If there is a student failure in learning, then that is where the teacher needs to introspect: is it true that he has done it? Then it continued: what could he do to make things better? So, teachers must always learn.

Yes, learn from books, learn from friends, learn from students, and learn from themselves.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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