Plants types

Plants are living beings that do not have the ability to locomotion or, in other words, to move by themselves, they are photosynthetic and are composed mainly of cellulose. Although there are some discussions about it, plants are usually grouped in the so-called Plantae kingdom, which includes both plants and algae that are closely related to the latter. As we said before, one of the most important characteristics of plants is that they are photosynthetic living beings. This means that plants capture energy through sunlight and through chlorophyll, which is a green pigment. In this way, plants can carry out photosynthesis, by which they transform inorganic material into complex organic matter.

The importance of plants for humans is indisputable. Thanks to the photosynthesis they carry out, there is oxygen in the air, which is what human beings breathe every day. Furthermore, plants are a source of food for both heterotrophic organisms and for humans themselves. As we well know, agriculture is one of the most important activities that even defined the characteristics of societies thousands of years ago. Today the intake of edible plants is essential to have a good diet. As if that were not enough, plants also serve as medicines and remedies for the cure of certain ailments. For its part, the classification of the different types of plants that exist can be given in different ways, either by their size,

Ornamental plant

The types of plants are:

Trees: are those large plants, more than five meters high, and that have a woody stem. This stem forms a trunk that in turn has branches of different size and thickness, which arise from a certain height.

Shrubs: these types of plants have characteristics similar to trees. That is, they also have a woody stem, although unlike those, the bushes measure a maximum of five meters, in addition to the fact that their branches are born from the ground.

Shrubs: are all those plants that are less than one meter high and whose stem and ramifications are usually very fragile and not so woody.

Herbs: these are the plants whose stems have not yet developed, so they are structurally very fragile or soft. In addition, herbs are composed of or have many more leaves or foliage than branches or trunks, as well as a very small height; they are almost at ground level.

Non-vascular plants : they are plants that have a very simple structure, in which the root, stem and leaves cannot be distinguished. Generally these types of plants live in humid places where they can easily obtain water from the subsoil. This type of plant represents the passage from aquatic to terrestrial plant life and currently about 23 thousand species of this type are known. In turn, within these types of plants we have mosses, liver plants and hornworts.

Vascular plants: also known as cormophytes, these types of plants do have stems, roots and leaves that can be distinguished. As their name implies, they also have a vascular system that allows them to distribute nutrients and water throughout the plant. Like non-vascular plants, this type of plants also have some subtypes such as: pteridophytes, spermatophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms.

Annual plants: as the name implies, these types of plants are those that only live one season, so they grow quickly and die in the same way.

Biennial Plants: This type of plant lives for two seasons in a row. During the first they develop and in the second their fruit and flowers appear.

Perennials: they are the type of plants that last longer or that live for several seasons. Therefore, they can be fertile for long periods of time and require certain care.

by Abdullah Sam
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