10 Examples of Medicinal Plants

These examples of medicinal plants can be functional in the care or prevention of a specific condition. It can be the whole plant or some extract.

In the case of the extract, it is because it constitutes the effective part for the healing process. They are able to help us with small ailments, while beautifying our garden.

These types of plants are very easy to use for curing common ailments at home, implying little effort when looking for, cultivating or collecting them.

Thus, these examples of medicinal plants have compounds that allow the long-awaited healing to be achieved, and can be applied in various ways: compresses, infusions , among others.

Sometimes, the pharmaceutical industry synthesizes and elaborates pharmacological molecules similar to those located in certain plant species, so that the medicine achieves effects similar to those of the plant.

Best medicinal plants to benefit health

1. Agave

The first of our examples of medicinal plants and their uses is the agave, used to heal wounds or sores. Its sap has a possible antiseptic effect.

Consequently, it is capable of lowering cholesterol and triglycerides, while stimulating the intestinal flora.

Par excellence, it is a natural sweetener containing low glucose levels. This makes it ideal for lowering blood sugar values.

In this way, you can provide the necessary energy for the day. Helps increase the body’s ability to absorb calcium and magnesium, strengthening bones.

Likewise, this water content oxygenates the epithelial cells. Another of its benefits is to soothe discomfort caused by inflammation in the body: joints and muscles.

Consequently, people suffering from arthritis or rheumatism will benefit from its anti-inflammatory properties.

Although it is unpleasant for many, its juice is especially recommended in cases of gingivitis, sores or other mouth conditions.

2. Basil

It is not only a medicinal herb, since basil is a favorite ingredient in many culinary recipes. It helps to combat pain, stomach discomfort and at a general level.

It is an adjuvant in the digestion process, as well as preventing annoying flatulence, commonly known as “gas”.

3. She

Its fame comes from being used as a condiment for the kitchen and, although its properties are many, the best known is the reinforcement of the immune system.

Likewise, it is a natural medicine that optimizes blood circulation, with antibacterial and antioxidant properties. In short, its intake is recommended in people with hypertension .

4. Aloe Vera

For its part, Aloe Vera (aloe) is one of the examples of medicinal plants grown at home, and is widely used in different natural remedies, especially on the skin.

It is very effective in treating insect bites, psoriasis, burns and abrasions. Additionally, its large amount of water regenerates and preserves the youth of the skin .

5. Calendula

First of all, calendula is a plant that has multiple properties, the best known of which is its anti-inflammatory and healing action. This allows the skin to quickly regenerate.

On the other hand, this healing plant has collagen , which prevents the appearance of wrinkles and early aging of the skin.

6. Eucalyptus

With regard to eucalyptus , it is a medicinal herb that is very beneficial for health , since it is used to alleviate cold symptoms: respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, cough, etc.

On the other hand, it is a plant widely used to decorate the house, because its plants are very perfect and resistant to incorporate into any centerpiece.

7. Elderflower

As part of the examples of wild medicinal plants is the elder flower, whose main virtue is its healing action in flu episodes.

In the same way, it has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic characteristics, it can soothe coughs and difficulties related to the mucous membranes.

8. Ginkgo Biloba

In the field of phytotherapy, Ginkgo Biloba or Ginkgo, is one of the best known and oldest healing herbs on the Asian continent.

Currently, this healing bush is believed to be the oldest existing tree on earth. It has fan-shaped leaves, which gives it a particular appearance.

Part of its benefits are its antioxidant properties, which promote the optimization of concentration and memory.

9. Peppermint

In another order of ideas, mint brings with it various benefits, one of the most important of which is its antioxidant capacity.

In the same way, it intervenes in the relief of intestinal difficulties, irregular hair growth and muscle swelling.

10. Jasmine

Finally, jasmine is among the examples of aromatic medicinal plants , since it is frequently used to make perfumes.

It has healing characteristics, contributes to the elimination of stress and is a natural remedy for weight loss.


by Abdullah Sam
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