These nutrients must enter the body every day

The body needs nutrients obtained from food intake every day. Why is this nutrient so important for our health? Malnutrition can cause a number of serious illnesses, including heart disease and cancer.

What nutrients does the body need to maintain fitness and health? Reporting from the page Womanitely, Saturday (5/30), the following types of important nutrients that must enter the body regularly.

  1. Vitamins
    We all know that vitamins are important for our health. Any vitamin deficiency can damage health. Make sure you eat fruits and vegetables at least once a day. Vitamin B12 deficiency, for example, can cause permanent nerve damage or brain damage. Vitamin A deficiency can damage your eye health, while vitamin C deficiency can cause a weakened immune system and gum damage.
  2. Carbohydrates
    If you are dieters trying to avoid carbohydrates, that’s not entirely true. Many dieters face a number of health problems due to carbohydrate deficiency due to this assumption. Sucrose, fructose, glucose, grains are big sources of carbohydrates.
  3. Minerals
    Phosphorus, potassium, iron, calcium, iodine, fluorine, magnesium and sodium are among the most important minerals. This mineral must be consumed more to stay healthy.
  4. Fat
    Avoiding fat is a mistake that many dieters do too. Healthy fats, such as omega3 fats are very important to consume. Your body needs healthy fats to transport, store and absorb vitamins A, E, D, and K. When cooking, make sure you use unsaturated fats like olive oil, corn oil or flax oil.
  5. Protein
    Eggs, meat, cheese, fish, tofu, beans, nuts, yogurt, seeds, and nuts are good sources of protein. Protein can help repair your nerve cells. Besides these nutrients play an important role in the healing process, helps in weight loss, and makes nails and hair strong and healthy.
  6. Fiber
    Fiber helps reduce cholesterol, prevent diabetes, constipation, and increase bowel movements. Women must consume 25 grams of fiber a day, while men must include at least 38 grams of fiber. Some of the best fiber foods that are rich in fiber are brown rice, nuts, seeds, beans, popcorn, fruits, oatmeal, vegetables and fruits


by Abdullah Sam
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