10 habits that cause heart disease

Did you know that simple daily habits can cause cardiovascular disease? Cardiologists and general practitioners say that some habits that seem harmless, actually have a profound effect on the heart.

Heart disease can arise not only due to smoking, but lack of exercise can cause cardiovascular disease. Following further explanation of what habits can cause heart disease, as quoted from the Times of India page , Monday (1/15).

Sleep is not so important
Sleep without interference is very important. Dr S Ramnathan Iyer, a sleeping medicine consultant said, “There is a direct link between sleep and heart health. OSA patients (obstructive sleep apnea) tend to experience high blood pressure and heart attacks. Actually it is recommended to evaluate patients with high blood pressure, angina, heart attacks, heart failure for OSA, “he said.

A Snorer
Snores can cause a condition called OSA. “OSA is when relaxed throat muscles block the airway many times during the night depriving your body of oxygen. In the long run, snoring and OSA can cause serious health problems such as high blood pressure, heart attacks and even strokes,” said Dr. Iyer.

Sitting often watching TV
Sitting frequently to watch television every day is worse than smoking, researchers claim. Experts say that getting up and moving every 30 minutes, is very important because no matter how long and how much you exercise, sitting in one place for a long time is bad for the heart, and is a risk factor for early death.

Work pressure
Senior intervention cardiologist, Dr. Nilesh Gautam said, “Overcoming your stress. Long-term pressure causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure which can damage the arterial wall. Work stress management techniques benefit your body and quality of life. Exercise and find time each day to do something you like. ”

Can not eat without using table salt
Senior cardiologist Dr. Santosh Kumar Dora said, “Sodium retains water, very high sodium in the blood will retain water and increase blood volume. This creates stress on the heart and can cause heart failure. Heart failure is when the heart cannot pump enough blood according to the needs of the body. ”

Not too concerned about your
diet Your diet plays an important role in maintaining the health of your heart. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, skinless poultry, nuts and beans from non-tropical vegetable oils. Limit your intake of saturated fats and trans fats and replace them with better, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Oral health
Studies say that gum health is very important in terms of maintaining the health of your heart. Dentist Dr. Elakshi Morey Gupta said, “The oral flora of the bacteria plays an important role for systemic health. There are many diseases that originate in the oral route. If an infection in a tooth spreads and enters the submandibular or fascial space in the neck, it can cause conditions which is life threatening too, “Gupta said.

Blood pressure and cholesterol
If you are generally in a good mood, don’t smoke, exercise regularly, you might lose the warning sign of heart health. But many do not know blood pressure or cholesterol levels, are risk factors that can cause heart attacks.

Do not like tea and avoid coffee
Researchers found that drinking tea regularly can reduce the risk of heart disease and found that people who consume coffee regularly have a neutral effect on calcium buildup in the heart arteries.

Hands are not washed clean
There is accumulation of bacteria if hands are not washed clean. And this settles on the food that is eaten, then affects general health and heart health as well.

by Abdullah Sam
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