Nosgoth. Class Guide People

In Nosgoth, a MMOTPS set in the legendary Legacy of Kain universe, the player is given a large number of classes to choose from, divided between two warring factions – humans and vampires. In total, there are eight unique classes available in the game, four for each of the parties to the conflict.

So, after registering in Nosgoth, a reasonable question arises – for whom to start playing? Factions are very different from each other, as, indeed, the classes within the factions themselves, so the choice of your favorite class is not so easy. If you gravitate towards tactics, caution and intense combat, then people are your choice. In this guide, I will try to tell you in detail and as accessible as possible about the game for each of the human classes. Go.


The Hunter is perhaps the most commonplace class in the game. Its mechanics are very similar to other third-person shooters. So the hunter will be the preferred choice for any newcomer to Nosgoth. To fight vampires, hunters use rapid-fire crossbows, which, in turn, are also divided into subspecies.


  • Tinkerer – Increases clip size and ammo count. This perk will save the hunter more than once in situations where you just need to make a couple of extra shots to win.
  • Fleet Footed – given that vampires initially have an advantage in speed, it would be nice to fix this at least a little by taking this perk, which gives an increase to running speed.
  • Deadeye – increases the accuracy of shooting, and therefore the amount of damage that a hunter can inflict.


  • Repeater – Ideal weapon for beginner hunters. It has average characteristics, which guarantees stable damage, good reload speed and acceptable accuracy. In most situations, you will need this particular crossbow.
  • Siege Bow – A weapon to control the tyrant population. The small clip and rate of fire are offset by the monstrous damage. Well suited for close combat with tyrants and kidnappers.
  • Multibow – Crossbow with the highest damage per second, which is achieved by the fact that it fires three shots at a time. Using the Multibow requires a good skill of precision, but it rewards with a lot of damage. Useful in situations where you need to support an ally with fire.
  • Bolt Thrower – This is a real machine gun. It has a huge ammunition capacity, which means you can provide good and long-term fire support. For other situations, alas, it is not suitable due to a long recharge and low damage per second.


The hunter’s tactics are very simple – stick to your allies and cover them with fire. The hunter’s role in combat is to protect weaker team members. A hunter almost under no circumstances can compare in running speed with a vampire, so the most correct decision would be to stay in place and shower enemies with bursts of a crossbow, covering the scouts.

Try to draw the enemy’s attention to yourself, in order to discharge the entire clip directly into his face. Bolu is best reserved to protect weak allies from particularly brazen vampires. A properly thrown bola will not only save the scout’s life, but also provide you with an extra frag, which is very nice.


The role of the alchemist in Nosgoth is to support a team of outsiders. Massive AoE damage, good control and even healing make the alchemist a good ally. In addition, he is quite capable of standing up for himself or deftly avoiding a dangerous situation by throwing one of his bombs right in the face of advancing vampires. The alchemist’s weapon is quite difficult to use, so you should be careful with its use.


  • Scavenger – the need to stay away from allies forces you to attend to the issue of survivability, which is a good help for this perk, which doubles the health regeneration at the stations.
  • Tinkerer – The increased ammo sits very well on the alchemist, allowing you to unleash even more damage on the enemy.
  • Vigor – the extra health is very useful to the alchemist in situations where something went wrong.


  • Hand Cannon / Fullbore Cannon – two sides of the same coin. These guns are very similar to each other. The Hand Cannon does less damage, but has more ammo. The Fullbore Cannon hits harder, but it doesn’t hold many charges.
  • Multi Cannon – With less damage, the Multi Cannon, however, has the advantage of a huge range thanks to its triple shot, making it an ideal choice for a beginner who is still new to accurate shots.
  • Viscous Cannon is an excellent tool for dealing with very nimble opponents. Shoots sticky bombs that explode on contact with a target. Alas, this weapon is very demanding on hitting accuracy.


The main thing in playing as an alchemist is to be careful and not die from your own bombs. The bombs of the alchemist, above all, are intended to knock the enemy off balance and sow confusion in the enemy ranks.

You need to stay away from your team so as not to harm them, but not so far as not to have time to support their attacks with massive damage or cover them from enemy aggression.

The Alchemist can become a priority target for enemy marines due to the fact that he is constantly at some distance from his team. Therefore, barely sensing the slightest signs of danger, the alchemist must take his feet in his hands and run.


This is a classic sniper, capable of dealing massive damage over long distances, but very sensitive in close combat. Because of this, you have to play very carefully in order not to be exposed to a surprise attack.

In addition, you will have to rely on your teammates, since the scout spends most of the game with limited vision due to aiming.


  • Quick Hands – Increases reload speed. This perk will give you the ability to more effectively cover your allies by increasing your rate of fire.
  • Fleet Footed – Will help to escape in situations where the location of the hunter was revealed, by increasing the speed of movement.
  • Deadeye – Increases the accuracy of shooting, making the scout even more effective in killing gape vampires.


  • The Compound Bow is the main scout weapon that you will need to use in most situations. It is well balanced for any purpose and in the right hands it becomes an excellent tool of victory.
  • Swiftbow – Option for those who prefer rate of fire to damage. Good for shooting vampires out of cover. Also perfect for the role of a weapon of last resort, in situations where you need to fight face to face.
  • Warbow – It would seem that the reduced damage makes this weapon not the most useful, however, in addition to dealing damage, it serves another purpose – to knock the enemy down. One competent shot at a vampire at a height is enough to bring him down from heaven to earth, forcing him to take considerable damage from falling. A very funny weapon for those with a good eye.


The best advice for a scout is to avoid the attention of the enemy team. The scout is not a frontline fighter. His task is to be in the shadow of his allies, snapping frags one by one and constantly hiding from the attention of the dwindling forces of the enemy. A good scout will never rush into the thick of the battle, preferring to remain unnoticed. It is also more important for the scout to rely on his team than for anyone else. Only by cooperating with other people can a scout expect to win.


First of all, it is needed to support allies. People appreciate her for healing spells, and vampires hate her for a large number of curses with which she pretty much ruins their lives. The main weapon of the prophet is two old pistols, with excellent accuracy and good damage at medium range.


  • Quick Hands – reload speed will help turn the prophet into an aggressive fighter.
  • Fleet Footed – as support, the prophet needs to move quickly across the battlefield in order to be where her help is needed.
  • Deadeye – the accuracy of shooting will be useful to the prophet to protect allied scouts from the sentinels flying from the sky.


  • Dual Pistols are an excellent tool for arguing with insolent bloodsuckers. They are good in everything, except perhaps the firing range.
  • Quick Pistols – Two very fast-firing barrels great for close combat. They have a large ammunition capacity, but low damage per second.
  • Heavy Pistols – Heavy artillery. Powerful damage sweeps away any enemy in a matter of seconds, providing the team with good support in close combat. Alas, the size of the clip is poor.
  • Piercing Pistols are a rather unusual weapon that, in addition to inflicting damage, also pierces through enemies, allowing you to hit multiple targets at the same time. Unfortunately, it takes a very long time to recharge, which, however, fully compensates for their power.


Since the prophet is primarily a support player, then you need to play for her as a support player. She needs to hold on to the backs of her comrades, waiting for the moment to successfully use the skills, and using it, move away, waiting for the recharge. If any of the allies is in danger, hurry to his aid. This mainly concerns helping the scouts. The running speed perk can turn the tide in your team’s favor.

The prophet should be everywhere and close the emerging holes in the defense of the people. However, taking the Heavy Pistols, the prophet can play aggressively, causing a considerable amount of damage.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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