Illustrious men’s love letters

llustrious men’s love letters

The Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa says that all love letters are ridiculous, because they would not be love letters if they were not. But the poet also thinks that the truly ridiculous are those who never wrote a love letter. A poem, some lines, a sincere affirmation that strips us naked and shows us its interior. Letters loaded with sincerity, but also with lies or half-truths. Love letters have been a manifestation of feelings since time immemorial.

Frida and Diego

“Nothing comparable to your hands or anything equal to the gold-green of your eyes. My body fills you for days and days. You are the mirror of the night. The violet light of lightning. The humidity of the earth. The hollow of your armpits is my refuge. All my joy is to feel the life sprout from your fountain-flower that mine keeps to fill all the paths of my nerves that are yours.

My Diego: mirror of the night. Your eyes green swords inside my flesh, waves between our hands. All of you in the space full of sounds, in the shadow and in the light. You will be called Auxochrome, the one that captures the color. I, Chromophore, the one that gives the color. You are all combinations of numbers. Life. My wish is to understand the line, the shape, the movement. You fill and I receive. Your word runs through all the space and reaches my cells that are my stars and goes to yours that are my light. ”

Jimi Hendrix to a young unknown woman


Happiness is in you, so let go of the chains of your heart and let yourself grow like the sweet flower you are … Be the answer: Open your wings and be yourself … Free

I will always love you, Jimi Hendrix ”.

Sigmund Freud to Martha Bernays

“I only want what you want for both of you because I realize the insignificance of other desires compared to the fact that you are mine. I am sleepy and very sad to think that I have to settle for writing to you instead of kissing your sweet lips ”.

Napoleon to Josephine

December 29, 1795:

I wake up full of you. Your image and the intoxicating pleasures of last night, do not allow my senses to rest. Sweet and incomparable Josefina, in what strange way do you work in my heart?

are you angry with me? You’re sad? Are you disappointed

My soul is broken by pain and my love for you prohibits me from rest. But how can I rest when I surrender to the sensation that commands my soul, when I drink from your lips and your heart like a burning flame? […] In three hours I will see her again.

Until then, thousands of kisses, my sweet love, but don’t return any of them because they cause my blood to burn like fire. ”

“I have received all your letters but none have made such an impression on me like the last one. How, my beloved, can you write to me like that?

Don’t you think that my position is already quite cruel, without adding my own sufferings and breaking my spirit? What style! What feelings do you show! They are fire and burn my poor heart.

My Josephine and only Josephine, besides you there is no joy; far from you, the world is a desert and when I am alone and I cannot open my heart.

You have taken more than my soul; you are the only thought of my life.

When I’m tired from work, when men despair, when I’m about to curse being alive, I put my hand on my heart; Your portrait hangs on it, I look at it and love brings me perfect happiness.

With what art did you captivate me to concentrate my whole being on you?

Living for Josefina, that’s the story of my life ”


by Abdullah Sam
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