How to use the reverse log tool in Excel table?

This program brings the function of solving logarithms , and among them, we find a function called the inverse logarithm , which can be a bit complicated to pose within a worksheet. Therefore, here we show you how to solve the inverse logarithm, either common or natural.

Index(  )

  1. What is the reverse log function for in an Excel document?
  2. Where to find the reverse log function in Excel tools?
  3. How to use the antilogarithm tool in Excel tables?
  4. How to create common inverse logarithm in Excel?
  5. What is the way to get the natural antilog in a document?

What is the reverse log function for in an Excel document?

It is said that a logarithm will correspond to every positive number , the result of which may be positive or negative and this number may be the logarithm, at the same time, of another number, which we will call the inverse logarithm, also called the antilogarithm.

The simplest and most well-known example of an antilogarithm is that its inverse function will always be the exponential function of the number. This will have a utility within an Excel file when making certain graphs, whether they are input graphs or graphs combined with changing variables, filling data tables, etc. They will basically have the use or function that we want to give it.

Where to find the reverse log function in Excel tools?

There are numerous tools and complexes in Excel, such as the complex solver, that help us to perform mathematical operations. However, in the case of wanting to use a function or tool directly in the program to solve an antilogarithm, we will not be able to find one that directly solves the inverse logarithm.

This is because Excel in none of its versions has incorporated it and, therefore, the way to calculate an inverse logarithm will be through the use of other functions and properties , such as the power function or the exponential function, depending on the base of the inverse logarithm.

How to use the antilogarithm tool in Excel tables?

In none of the Office versions we can enjoy an antilogarithm tool in Excel, therefore, to calculate it, you will have to use other tools that the program does have and have the mathematical knowledge to perform them correctly. At the time of carrying out the operation, we can do it in the same box, in several boxes and we can even import the data from another Excel sheet.

How to create common inverse logarithm in Excel?

A common inverse logarithm is one that starts directly from a logarithm or power of base 10 , in order to carry out one we must first enter Excel, whether we are using its desktop version or through the Google Chrome extension . Then, we will have to write in the worksheet the data or the number that will be obtained from its antilogarithm.

Located in the cell where we want the result to appear, we will begin to write the formula, always starting with the equal sign ‘=’. In this case we will use the power function , so we will continue writing the formula as follows ‘= POWER (‘.

In this case, we are going to invert the number with the base, so following the structure of the potentiation formula = POWER (number; base), to calculate the inverse logarithm you must write = POWER (base; number) and how it is treated of a common antilogarithm, the base will always be 10, leaving = POWER (10; number).

Where it says number we can both write a cell with the specific data that we want to calculate the antilogarithm as any number, making the allusion that it was a calculator. Finally, you will need to click on another cell or press ‘Enter’ to show us the result of the antilogarithm.

What is the way to get the natural antilog in a document?

A natural logarithm is one based on the number e, which has an approximate value of 2.718281828459 and is commonly abbreviated as 2.718. As is well known and we have said before, the inverse of a natural logarithm is an exponential function, so in this case we will not use the Excel power tool, but we will use the exponential function tool.

To create a natural antilogarithm, first we are going to open the program and select any cell where the result will be seen later. We will start by writing the formula, which must always be started with the equal sign ‘=’ for the program to detect it as a mathematical operation.

Then we are going to write ‘EXP’, which means exponential function and then we are going to write the number or cell that contains the data that will be calculated the antilogarithm. The formula is as follows ‘ = EXP (number). To finish we will press Enter and immediately we will have to observe the result of the natural antilogarithm.

by Abdullah Sam
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