How to use the Object Blend Tool options in Adobe Illustrator

With Adobe Illustrator you will achieve, among other things, create figures in detail ; and with the help of its object blending tool, you can make wonderful color blends . In Live Fusion the forms; the objects; tonality and position are vividly observed.

Also, with the object blending tool, we will be able to make a smooth journey between various objects, or perhaps mix colors to create a color transformation in a specific object. This tool has a lot to offer us ; we can exploit our creativity in it. Learn here how to run this blending tool in Adobe Illustrator.

Objects merged in Adobe Illustrator

In merged objects you can create and distribute shapes neatly between 2 objects. When the merge is created, the objects in question are handled as a single object. If you move the original object or the original anchor points of the object, the blend will also be affected.

Furthermore, the original and merged objects do not have their own anchor point, therefore you will be able to expand the merge and divide it into several objects; also the transformation of colors is amazing because it is easy to transform 3 or more colors together into an object.

Create blends with the Blend tool in Illustrator

In Adobe Illustrator, the Blend Tool and the Create Blend command will help to create blends between a set of objects and colors between several selected objects.

  1.     Hit the Blend Tool in Adobe Illustrator.
  2.    In order to carry out different types of fusion you will have to:
  •  Merge in the sequential order without rotation: clicking anywhere on each object except anchor points.
  •  Merge with an anchor point in a special way: with the blending tool, click on the anchor point and with the pointer over the anchor it is no longer a white square but transparent and in the center with a black point
  • To blend open strokes, select an end point for each stroke.
  1. When you’re done adding objects to blend, click the blend tool again.

Create blends with the Create Blend command in Illustrator

  1.   Choose the object to merge.
  2. Press Object, Fusion and finally Create.

By performing these two simple steps, Adobe Illustrator will calculate the optimal number of steps to create the color transition. But, if you want to direct the number of steps or the route of it, you must go to the merge option.

Blending option in Adobe Illustrator

Merge options can be changed from an existing merge . For this, choose the object that is combined:

Double-click on the blending tool.

  1.  Choose objects, then blending, and finally blending options
  2.  Then, in the properties panel , click on blending options and choose the quick actions section.
  3.  Then you will see a box that will show the blending options to configure: spacing; round color; control the number of steps; the specific distance between the fusion steps; the orientation of the blend objects and align the blend to the page or path.

Modify a merged shape with Adobe Illustrator

The path where the merged objects line up the steps is called the spine. Usually the spines contain straight lines. To modify the spines:

  1.   Drag the anchor points and spine stroke segments to adjust their shape; You will achieve it with the direct selection tool.
  2.    If you want to replace the spine with a different stroke, draw a new shape to create a new spine; You do this by selecting the spine shape and the merged object and clicking on object, then on merge and finally on replace.
  3.  To change the order of the merge on top of its spine : select the already merged object and press object, blend and finally reverse spine

In this way you can achieve the fusion of objects with Adobe Illustrator, creating shapes between various objects and making color transformation will be easy with this fusion tool. Remember also that Adobe Illustrator has infinite tools to give more life to your drawings or photographs. So we hope you get the most out of it and share the information if it was useful to you.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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