How to turn off auto-correct or automatic word correction in Excel

Learn how to turn off auto-correct or automatic word correction in Excel to have full control over your data entry. Follow these simple steps to tailor Excel to your specific needs.

How to Turn Off Auto-Correct or Automatic Word Correction in Excel.

Turning off auto-correct or automatic word correction in Microsoft Excel involves a few steps. I’ll provide you with a tabular guide to make it easier to follow:

Step Action
1 Open Excel and click on ‘File’ in the top menu.
2 Select ‘Options’ from the bottom of the menu.
3 In the Excel Options dialog box, click on ‘Proofing’.
4 Under ‘Proofing’, find the section ‘AutoCorrect options’.
5 Click on the ‘AutoCorrect Options…’ button.
6 In the AutoCorrect dialog box, you will see various checkboxes under the ‘AutoCorrect’ tab.
7 Uncheck the options you want to disable. Common ones include ‘Correct TWo INitial CApitals’, ‘Capitalize first letter of sentences’, and ‘Correct accidental usage of caps lock key’.
8 Click ‘OK’ in the AutoCorrect dialog box.
9 Click ‘OK’ in the Excel Options dialog box to apply changes.

This process will disable the automatic word correction features in Excel. Remember, these settings are application-wide, so they will affect all Excel workbooks you work on.

In this tutorial we will show you how easy it can be to disable this function and it is possible that you have never given yourself the task of finding where this setting is in Excel . But once you know where to find it, the mystery will be revealed and you can activate and deactivate it at will.

As you know, this is a function that always works, that is, it is activated and is not exclusive to Excel, it also works in the other programs of the Office suite. As Word and PowerPoint are, so in order for you to disable the automatic autocorrect function in Excel you must do the following.

Step to disable auto-correct or automatic word correction in Excel

  • To start go to the desktop or wherever the Excel program is to start it, you can do this process on a sheet where you are already working or on a new sheet, and go to the upper left corner and click on the logo . A box will appear showing the options New, Open, Save, etc.
  • But in the lower right part of the box you will see and click on the Excel Options button, this action will show us its window. Which has some options on its left side, and you are going to select the review option, then go to the right side and in the Auto-correction options section you are going to click on the button with the same name.
  • Once you have clicked on “auto correction options” a new box will appear with several tabs, but the options for the “auto correction” tab will be displayed. You will notice that there are a number of options with boxes next to them that are marked. And the next thing you should do is look for the option Replace text while typing and uncheck its box.
  • If you want to deactivate any of the options that appear in this tab, you can take advantage of doing so. For example, if you do not want Excel to automatically capitalize the names of the week, you can uncheck this box and you will no longer have this problem, if you want to make any other changes, do so and then click on the OK option .

When you carry out this last step, the changes you just made will be applied and there will be no way for them to be activated again, unless you do so . And so the function that allowed to automatically correct the text is now deactivated. And if you want this function to work again, you must perform the same steps that we indicated and check the corresponding box.

You have realized how simple and fast it is to make this type of adjustment and in the same way for any other. You only have to know the steps to follow and in less time it takes to read this article you have been able to deactivate auto-correct or automatic word correction in Excel.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily disable the auto-correct and automatic word correction features in Excel. This gives you full control over your data entry and ensures that specialized terms or jargon are not automatically corrected or modified. Remember, it’s important to tailor the settings to your specific needs and preferences, and these steps will help you achieve just that.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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