How to turn on ‘out of office’ Outlook automatic replies?

Microsoft Outlook is a most popular email client   among businesses. It’s designed to harden several important Office applications, saving you time. One way to save time is through automated replies for when you’re out of the office . If you want to know how to activate it, here you will see it.

Index( )

  1. How to configure an automatic response to notify that you are absent?
    1. For contacts from the same organization
    2. For contacts outside the organization
  2. What are the aspects that can be customized for messages?
    1. Time interval in which they are sent
    2. The content of the message
  3. How do I disable automatic replies?

How to configure an automatic response to notify that you are absent?

Outlook is well known for receiving and sending email , but it also allows you to store contact names and numbers, manage your calendar, and keep track of your tasks. Another of the things that it allows you to do is create an automatic response message, this contains a precise text with the most important information that you want to transmit.

To configure an automatic response you must be inside Microsoft Outlook , choose the File that is usually found in the upper left part of the screen, then you must go to Automatic responses, then click on Send automatic responses.

There you will see a tab called Within my organization , it is in that space where you will write the response you want to send while you are not in the office.

For contacts from the same organization

In the Automatic responses section you can choose the type of response that will be given to two groups of people, those who belong to the organization and those who do not. Once the option of the same organization is selected, you must write a message where you can let them know that you are just working, without fail you will attend to their message.

For contacts outside the organization

To configure your response for people or contacts outside your company or business, you just have to select the option Outside my organization in the automatic responses section. You can let them know that you are not working and that you are offline for a few days. But if they need immediate attention, you can give them a way to contact you by another means.

What are the aspects that can be customized for messages?

To personalize your messages, Outlook offers you many options that allow you to have a unique and eye-catching message. Whether you need to turn on autoresponders for friends because you’re busy, or you need to do it for business reasons because you’re not in the office, you’ll always find details you like.

One of these aspects is the delivery option, in it you can establish the degree of relevance of the message, the expiration date and detail the date and time delay for the delivery of the message .

You can also change the appearance of the message, as this option gives you at least eight ways   to set the appearance of the message. Among which is: a texture, a gradient, color, an image and a background pattern. You can also customize the font, add a list, a table, and even a signature.

Time interval in which they are sent

When automatic replies are set up, Outlook gives you the option to turn it on for a specified time or until you manually turn it off . The first works for you when you know how long you will be unavailable and you can put the date and time when these responses will be activated and when it will expire.

The option to activate and deactivate manually can be useful if you do not know how long you will be out of reach of your colleagues or friends. As Outlook manages your calendar it also gives you the choice to lock your calendar, as long as automatic replies are active.

The content of the message

The most important thing is the message, since it must be respectful and eloquent . In it you can say the reason for your absence and what they can do alternatively, either wait, provide your phone number in case of emergency…

But if you also want to customize it, you have the following options: italics, bold, size , color and font type, underlined, highlighted. You can use bullets and set the orientation of the text.

How do I disable automatic replies?

It is very simple if you take into account that you were able to activate it, you just have to enter your email account , go to settings, then automatic responses and select not to send automatic responses . You need to do this if you activated this mode manually, otherwise it will remain active even when you are already available to others.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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