How to register on

How to register on


  • registration
  • Confirmation email is a popular video streaming service. Carries out live broadcasts of e-sports tournaments, passing games. Provides a variety of recorded game videos. On Twitch, you can watch a lot of battles unfolding in such “classic” games as Dota 2, StarCraft II, Counter Strike, Diablo III, Dark Souls and others for free. Chat with the authors of video channels and other site visitors. Create your own channel (upload videos to the server, organize streaming). was launched in 2011. Its popularity is growing exponentially. In 2013, the site’s audience was over 45 million people. The average age of visitors is 18-35 years old. Approximately 600 thousand players regularly broadcast their gameplay on Twitch (millions of hours of exciting battles and travel).

To register with Twitch, follow the steps below:


  1. Open the main page of the game service – And then scroll it down with the mouse wheel.
  2. In the “footer” of the site, click the “Language” option. In the list that opens, select “Russian” (to quickly and correctly register in your native language).
  3. Return to the “header” of the main page. In the right corner, click the “Register” button. Fill out the user form to register.
  4. “Username”: your nickname in the virtual space of the service.
  5. “Password”: come up with a hack-resistant combination of at least 8 characters (use numbers, lowercase and uppercase Latin letters).
  6. Specify your date of birth: select the required values ​​in the fields “month”, “date”, “year”.
  7. “Email Address”: Enter your mailbox address.
  8. Click with the mouse in the window opposite the inscription “I am not a robot”.
  9. Answer the security question in the window that appears:
  • select the pictures with the mouse according to the signs indicated in the task (for example, where there is a river);
  • click the “Confirm” button (located at the bottom of the window, under the gallery).
  1. Click the Subscribe button.

Confirmation email

  1. Log in to the mail service indicated in the registration form.
  2. Open the email sent by the game service Twitch.
  3. To fully register on the site (that is, to get access to all its functions), click the “Verify your email” block in the text of the letter (verification of your email).

After completing this procedure, your account menu will open in a new tab (option column on the right).

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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