How to register in Crossout

Today we will go through the stages of registration in the Crossout game . If you follow clear instructions and do not make mistakes during this procedure, then everything will go smoothly and in a few moments you can already start your difficult, but full of emotions path to the top.

The first step is pretty simple:

Go to the official website and click on the “Play Free” button. Then you will see a special form, it must be filled out carefully and carefully. To the above, the game has a link to Google+, or Facebook accounts, if you do not want to waste time on full registration, you can safely use this function. But be careful to make sure these accounts are safe. But the safest thing is to create your own unique account and not worry that it can be hacked or used.

After these manipulations, you will be thrown onto a page with fields for filling in information. At this stage, in principle, everything is clear and without further ado. The only points you need to pay attention to is the mail, it must be real, starting with your login, ending with a password (that you remember or wrote down somewhere). This stage is the most important of the registration cycle, because if you enter fake mail, an unpleasant situation may arise, for example, your account is hacked. Well, or you just forget the password, and the invented, non-existent mail together with a similar password – 100% negative result, data loss, etc. But then the understanding will come that everything that has been played and won will pass you by. Login and password must be unique and reliable, and pay special attention to this.

When everything is done and you are ready to proceed to the next step, enter the captcha and you’re done.

The last and most enjoyable stage of registration is its completion (the beginning of the game). When everything is done, the passwords are written down and the logins are not forgotten, we press the “Battle” button. This is where the registration process ends. Next, you will see a window that you need to activate your account to start the game (that’s what the existing email is for). We go to the kidney, click on the button “Activate your account”. And again, you will be thrown to the main site, where it will be reported that you have successfully activated the game. Then you can safely plunge headlong into a new world of adventure.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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