Crossout structure guide

This simple guide covers everything to do with structure in Crossout.

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We will try to tell you about the general concept, give some advice on improving the structure and protection of the cabin (of course, to be more precise, we are talking about strengthening it with other elements), etc.

General concept of structure

Every item in Crossout has its own structure (strength or, if you prefer, HP reserve). The numerical value of the structure shows the amount of damage that the part can withstand until it is completely destroyed. Each car has a cockpit. By default, it has its own basic structure – different cabins have this indicator more or less. When the cockpit is destroyed, the whole car will automatically explode, and you will find yourself out of the game.

Any other part of the car can be destroyed, but you will still be in the game and theoretically will be able to participate in combat. Each detail is responsible for something, therefore, losing it, you are deprived of certain advantages or opportunities. When you add details to a car, you increase the structure of the car.

But here it is important to understand – spare parts that increase the overall structure of the cabin are necessarily signed with the phrase “…”. If this signature is not present, then the parts do not contribute to the overall structure of the cab. Here are the items that do not affect the structure of the cockpit itself: modules, weapons, wheels, bumpers, engines, melee weapons. Also, do not confuse the details of the frame and lattice, which we will talk about later. The frames that your cab mounts on contribute to the overall structure.

What does this all mean?

Below you can see a set of two regular 8 * 4 frames, racing wheels and a Jaeger cab. The general structure of the vehicle is signed as 395 (while the own structure of the cabin is 85 points, the container doors are 114, and each frame is 96. If you install the container door not in front of the cabin, but behind it, the structure will not change and will remain equal to 395 In normal arithmetic calculations, the total would be 391 units, but apparently in the game we see only integers, while the developers use the hidden “tenths” and “hundredths” in their calculations.

Example in question

So how much damage does the cockpit need to do to destroy it if you shoot at the container door or directly at the cockpit (from the front, if the wall is behind, or vice versa)? The answer will be the same – 395 damage. The container door structure is 114 units. So, will you shoot at the door or at the cockpit, after 114 points of damage have passed, the door will collapse. This will lead to the fact that the structure bonus that it gave to the cabin will disappear, and instead of 395, 280 HP will remain (here, apparently, some kind of rounding is triggered, since the difference is 115 points, although the door has, and gives 114 points structure). Thus, to destroy a cabin, you will need to inflict damage equal to the structure of this cabin and the parts that add strength to it.

Double pass

In Crossout uses the concept of double pass. If you shoot the car, from the example above, at the door, and deal 120 damage, then 114 points will go to the destruction of the part, and the remaining six will be deducted from the structure of the cockpit itself. On the screen you will see a white inscription “114” and a yellow “6”. The yellow numbers indicate the remaining damage that went to the cockpit. Anyway, any damage caused to the cockpit is highlighted in yellow.

Above, I wrote that bumpers do not contribute to an increase in the structure of the cockpit. For example, if you add a bumper with a structure of 86 units (Kenguryatische) in the example above, then the general structure of the vehicle will remain the same – 395 points. Then you can try adding the Vector machine gun with 74 structure units, but again the overall indicator will not change – 395 points.

Example No. 2

Example No. 3

Items and modules that do not add durability to the cockpit itself can only be destroyed if an aimed shot is fired at them or at the parts on which the modules are installed. Their structure is separate from the vehicle. Nevertheless, if the cabin is destroyed, then you leave the game, therefore the safety of these items does not directly affect the duration of the “life” of the car. Add a light engine to the craft with 95 HP, but the structure will remain the same again (395).

And even those elements that do not add to the overall structure of the cockpit can be used by you as shields. On the other hand, if an item is too valuable, then it is advisable to hide or protect it. Above we added the Kenguryatische bumper, Vector and the light engine, which add up to 255 HP, but the overall structure remains at 395.

The bumper is installed in the front, the engine is on the hood, and the machine gun is on the roof of the cab. If someone shoots at this car from the side or from behind, where there are no additional protective equipment, then he will need to inflict 395 points of damage until the cabin is completely destroyed.

However, since the bumper is located on the front, then if the enemy starts shooting head-on, he will first need to demolish 86 units of the structure of this bumper, and only after that he will inflict damage to the cabin. Any single damage that exceeds 86 HP (or the safety margin remaining at the bumper) will be transferred to the cockpit. Of course, the enemy can simply shoot just above or below the bumper, where there is a gap and the cockpit is visible.

In this regard, bumpers are a valuable tool. For their relatively low weight, they have a decent margin of safety and small PS, but they save only if the enemy shoots from the side where the parts are located. In the example above, if you shoot from behind or from the side, you will never hit the bumper. That is why you need to install them from the side from which the enemy is likely to attack you. Installing a bumper at the bottom of the front or rear of the car is also the place to be if you do not want to protect the cab, but the wheels, the generator located below or any other structures that require a low position of the bumper.

Earlier it was written about a double pass. How it works? Let’s mentally draw a line describing the trajectory of the projectiles fired from your weapon. Anything in the path of this line will take damage. If the first obstacle is destroyed, then the projectile will reach the second and inflict the remaining points of damage on it. This means that in the example of a bumper with 86 structure points, all damage above this value will be dealt to the cockpit. It is clear that if the damage is equal to 86 units, then the cabin will not be damaged, but the bumper will be destroyed. If the damage is 100, then 86 will go to destroy the bumper, and 14 to the cockpit.

Area Damage Weapon (Explosive)

But what happens if there is no cockpit or other part behind the destroyed part (in the path of the projectile’s flight)?

Two adjacent doors

The container door on the right in the image above has a structure of 114 units. It is connected to a second door with the same structure of 114 points. If you attack the central part of the right door and inflict 300 points of damage per shot, then 114 points will be spent on its destruction, and the rest of the damage will be wasted. It will not be transferred to the left door connected to the right, since the second is located not behind the first, but on the side. This applies to weapons that deal direct damage (for example, machine guns).

But when it comes to AoE weapons, the calculations get a lot more complicated. Explosions from guns and rocket launchers can affect several parts of the car at once. And their damage can go through a number of areas. Weapons with low area damage, such as autocannons, can deal damage to connected parts, even if there is nothing behind the part you hit. This question is very difficult and it is problematic to predict what exactly will happen in this or that explosion.

Tips for increasing structure

Below you can see three quarters of the wall. One horizontally and two vertically at the back.

Quarter wall example

Their structure has been added to the overall cockpit rating. Each wall has a structure of 29 units. If 35 points were dealt to the first wall, where will the rest of the damage go? It’s very simple: it depends on which side you aim, shoot and what the trajectory of the projectiles is. At one angle, there is a high probability of hitting the left front wheel of the car, and at another – into the rear quarter of the wall, if you shoot a little higher.

You must be careful when placing the protruding parts of the armor (parts). As an example, consider the screenshot below, where the cab is protected by two quarters of the wall – horizontally at the front and vertically at the rear, closer to the bonnet. If the enemy shoots at the top of the vertical wall, then any excess damage (above 114 points) will be directed not to the second wall, but to the cockpit, the top of which is located slightly higher. Of course, this does not really matter when it comes to details that add points to the overall structure of the cockpit (as in this case), but it is extremely important if you are trying to protect some modules or are using the same bumper.

Craft with two quarter walls

If you missed a shot at the details that were added to the overall structure of the cockpit, or the enemies hit directly into the cockpit, then the effect will be the same. You will notice how the vehicle’s durability decreases. True, in the first case, these parts (and any modules installed on them) will be destroyed, and in the other, the cabin itself will start to smoke or burn. One way or another, you should strive to expose the side of the car that is protected by some part.

It is also important to understand concepts such as maximum and true structure. If you miss the damage in the cockpit, one unit of structure remains, but there are parts that increase the overall strength, then you can turn so that the enemy attacks them first before dealing the remaining damage to the cockpit and finally destroying you.

This is best seen with an example. Suppose you have a vehicle with a total structure of 500 units, and the cabin is surrounded on three sides by walls of 100 units. You can lose 499 HP by hitting the cockpit and then blocking each wall before allowing the enemy to land the last shot.

The maximum cab structure is set by the cab itself and the details that affect it. The true structure of the cockpit at the beginning of the battle is equal to the maximum. But as soon as the enemy gets to your cockpit and deals any damage, then the true durability will be lower than the maximum. For example, if it decreases from 500 to 400, then you can lose one wall without worrying, because in this case, the true strength will not decrease (it decreased before). With the loss of every detail that increases the structure, the maximum indicator will decrease by the stated number. And if you have already managed to lose so much of the true structure, then it will not affect anything.

Take a look at the example below. If you shoot directly at the cockpit, then using the Rapier will require 17 accurate shots. If you first destroy the top door of the container, and then shoot at the cockpit, then you will need to shoot at it 13 times already. If both the upper and lower doors are destroyed, then it will take only 10 hits to destroy the cockpit, since the door structure was calculated from the strength of the cockpit. Continuing the reasoning, we note that if you, for example, inflict 16 shots at a completely new car, and then start shooting at the doors, this will do nothing, because the true structure of the car will be much lower than the maximum value that will remain after the door is destroyed.

Two container doors – one on top of the other

Lattices operate in a slightly different way. So, in the screenshot below, you can see the “Grille 2” on the side of the car. It is characterized by 72 HP and 22 structure units that it adds to the car’s cockpit. But protection with gratings works differently, since they allow 90% of fire, explosive or fire damage. Thus, only 10% of the damage will be taken away from the structure of the grate, while the remaining 90% will go to what is behind them. At the same time, the grate absorbs all melee or ramming damage.

Craft with lattice “2”

For example, a Rapier shot deals 30 damage. After installing the grate on the cockpit, I checked what would happen if I fired at it. After the shot, two values ​​appeared above the car – “3” (white inscription) and “27” (yellow inscription). The grille absorbed only three points of damage, while the rest of the 27 went to the cockpit

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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