How To Reference With No Date Harvard

How To Reference With No Date Harvard.When referencing a source with no date in the Harvard referencing style, you can follow the general format below:

How To Reference With No Date Harvard

For an in-text citation: (Author, n.d.)

For the reference list: Author. (n.d.). Title of the work. Publisher (if applicable). URL or DOI (if applicable).

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create a Harvard reference for a source with no date:

  1. Identify the author or organization responsible for the work. If no specific author is available, you can use the name of the organization or the title of the work.
  2. Use the abbreviation “n.d.” (which stands for “no date”) in place of the publication date.
  3. Provide the title of the work in italics or quotation marks, depending on the type of source.
  4. If applicable, include the publisher’s name. For online sources, you can add the URL or DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to provide a direct link to the source.

Here are examples of how to format different types of sources with no date:

  1. Book with no date:

In-text citation: (Smith, n.d.)

Reference list: Smith, J. (n.d.). Title of the Book. Publisher.

  1. Website or webpage with no date:

In-text citation: (Organization X, n.d.)

Reference list: Organization X. (n.d.). Title of the Webpage. Retrieved from

  1. Journal article with no date:

In-text citation: (Doe, n.d.)

Reference list: Doe, J. (n.d.). Title of the Article. Journal Name, volume(issue), page range. DOI (if available).

Remember, it’s always essential to try your best to locate the publication date of a source, as it adds credibility to your references. However, if a date is genuinely unavailable, using “n.d.” is the correct way to handle it in the Harvard style.


by Abdullah Sam
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